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In this paper, we show that parasitic elements have a significant effect on the dynamics of memristor circuits. We first show that certain 2-terminal elements such as memristors, memcapacitors, and meminductors can be used as nonvolatile memories, if the principle of conservation of state variables hold by open-circuiting, or short-circuiting, their terminals. We also show that a passive memristor with a strictly-increasing constitutive relation will eventually lose its stored flux when we switch off the power if there is a parasitic capacitance across the memristor. Similarly, a memcapacitor (resp., meminductor) with a positive memcapacitance (resp., meminductance) will eventually lose their stored physical states when we switch off the power, if it is connected to a parasitic resistance. We then show that the discontinuous jump that circuit engineers assumed to occur at impasse points of memristor circuits contradicts the principles of conservation of charge and flux at the time of the discontinuous jump. A parasitic element can be used to break an impasse point, resulting in the emergence of a continuous oscillation in the circuit. We also define a distance, a diameter, and a dimension, for each circuit element in order to measure the complexity order of the parasitic elements. They can be used to find higher-order parasitic elements which can break impasse points. Furthermore, we derived a memristor-based Chua’s circuit from a three-element circuit containing a memristor by connecting two parasitic memcapacitances to break the impasse points. We finally show that a higher-order parasitic element can be used for breaking the impasse points on two-dimensional and three-dimensional constrained spaces.
Definitions of Hausdorff–Lebesgue measure and dimension are introduced. Combination of Hausdorff and Lebesgue ideas are used. Methods for upper and lower estimations of attractor dimensions are developed.
This paper investigates the Weierstrass type function in local fields whose graph is a chaotic repelling set of a discrete dynamical system, and proves that their exists a linear connection between the orders of its p-adic calculus and the dimensions of the corresponding graphs.
The cello suites of Johann Sebastian Bach exhibit several types of power-law scaling, the best examples of which can be considered fractal in nature. This article examines scaling with respect to the characteristics of melodic interval and its derivative, melodic moment. A new and effective method for pitch-related analysis is described and then applied to a selection of the 36 pieces that comprise the six cello suites.
Fractal geometry can adequately represent many complex and irregular objects in nature. The fractal dimension is typically computed by the box-counting procedure. Here I compute the box-counting and the Kaplan-Yorke dimensions of the 14-dimensional models of the Drosophila circadian clock. Clockwork Orange (CWO) is transcriptional repressor of direct target genes that appears to play a key role in controlling the dynamics of the clock. The findings identify these models as strange attractors and highlight the complexity of the time-keeping actions of CWO in light-day cycles. These fractals are high-dimensional counterexamples of the Kaplan-Yorke conjecture that uses the spectrum of the Lyapunov exponents.
We consider some properties of the intersection of deleted digits Cantor sets with their translates. We investigate conditions on the set of digits such that, for any t between zero and the dimension of the deleted digits Cantor set itself, the set of translations such that the intersection has that Hausdorff dimension equal to t is dense in the set F of translations such that the intersection is non-empty. We make some simple observations regarding properties of the set F, in particular, we characterize when F is an interval, in terms of conditions on the digit set.
For a family of networks {Gn}n≥1, we define the Hausdorff dimension of {Gn}n≥1 inspired by the Frostman’s characteristics of potential for Hausdorff dimension of fractals on Euclidean spaces. We prove that our Hausdorff dimension of the touching networks is logm/logN. Our definition is quite different from the fractal dimension defined for real-world networks.
In 2023, Xi et al. introduced the Hausdorff dimension of a family of networks which inspired by the potential theoretic methods in fractal geometry. In this paper, we will construct a class of colored substitution networks and obtain its Hausdorff dimension using the self-similarity.
In this article we examine fractal curves and synthesis algorithms in musical composition and research. First we trace the evolution of different approaches for the use of fractals in music since the 80's by a literature review. Furthermore, we review representative fractal algorithms and platforms that implement them. Properties such as self-similarity (pink noise), correlation, memory (related to the notion of Brownian motion) or non correlation at multiple levels (white noise), can be used to develop hierarchy of criteria for analyzing different layers of musical structure. L-systems can be applied in the modelling of melody in different musical cultures as well as in the investigation of musical perception principles. Finally, we propose a critical investigation approach for the use of artificial or natural fractal curves in systematic musicology.