The global climate crisis poses large risks to public health through many exposure pathways, from heat waves and air pollution, to malnutrition, infectious diseases and social dislocation. At the same time, confronting the cause of climate change — reducing greenhouse gas emissions — offers health and financial benefits, especially by reducing chronic diseases. First, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) more than seven million people die prematurely every year from air pollution. Therefore, departing from fossil fuel-based energy can save millions of lives. Second, a diet with less red meat (particularly in wealthy countries) will both mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and reduce saturated fat and the risk of cardiac disease. And third, over five million people are dying annually from lack of exercise due to a growing trend in sedentary lifestyles — caused in large part by overreliance on motorized transportation. Thus, opportunities abound to enhance physical fitness through smart urban design that promotes safe, low-carbon, “active” transportation (via walking and biking) that will reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, strokes, diabetes, depression and colon, and breast cancer.