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  • articleNo Access


    In this paper, formation of diverse groups of individuals based on attributes and two diversity measures are discussed. The formation of clusters in a diversity space is described. An algorithm is given for diverse clustering based on separation in the space and not the nearness using application based diversity thresholds and number of clusters.

  • articleNo Access

    Hub Agents Determine Collective Behavior

    There are growing interests for studying collective behavior including the dynamics of markets, the emergence of social norms and conventions and collective phenomena in daily life such as traffic congestion. In our previous work [Iwanaga and Namatame, Collective behavior and diverse social network, International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology4(22) (2012) 321–320], we showed that collective behavior in cooperative relationships is affected in the structure of the social network, the initial collective behavior and diversity of payoff parameter. In this paper, we focus on scale-free network and investigate the effect of number of interactions on collective behavior. And we found that choices of hub agents determine collective behavior.

  • articleOpen Access

    Workforce Diversity in Decision-Making Organizations: A Perspective from Agent-Based Computational Economics

    Diversity in teams has become an important societal and economic issue which is studied in various scientific domains. In organizational sciences, particularly empirical research methods prevail. This paper proposes to explore agent-based computational economics as a research approach for workforce diversity more intensely due to its inherent properties like capturing heterogeneous interacting agents. For highlighting this, this paper presents an agent-based computational model based on the framework of NK fitness landscapes. In the simulations, artificial organizations search for superior levels of organizational performance with search being delegated to several and potentially diverse decision-making agents. The experiments control for the level of task complexity and reflects four different attributes of workplace diversity among agents: cognitive capabilities to (i) generate and (ii) evaluate new solutions, (iii) effort efficiency and (iv) commitment to the overall organizational objective. The results suggest that the effects of workforce diversity differ across task complexity and attributes of diversity. Diversity of commitment has the strongest impact which results from interactions among local maximizers and agents seeking to globally maximize with only local means. Moreover, the results point to nonlinear effects of multi-attributive diversity on organizational performance.

  • chapterNo Access


    A general method is presented for constructing dynamic equity portfolios through the use of mathematical generating functions. The return on these functionally generated portfolios is related to the return on the market portfolio by a stochastic differential equation. Under appropriate conditions, this equation can be used to establish a dominance relationship between a functionally generated portfolio and the market portfolio.