This Guide to Psychiatry — Singapore Perspective is the 16th revision of the original series of "Guide to Psychiatry" which has been revised and updated every two to three years since the early 1980s. It was originally meant for new doctors posted to Woodbridge Hospital/Institute of Mental Health. However, its distribution was extended later to colleagues, general practitioners, psychologists, medical students, allied mental health workers and interested others.
Much of the subject matter derives from five decades of personal clinical experience and thoughts and may be unorthodox. The current publication or version remains a guide to appreciation of psychiatry and management of local patients. Attempts are made to explain concepts, development, issues, ambiguities and principles that are commonly confronted and confusing to beginners. Analogies are freely used to aid understanding. As mentioned in earlier revisions, it does not fulfil the role of a textbook of which many have been written. Nevertheless, this little book could be read over and again with benefit by training psychiatrists, medical doctors and students and other mental health workers.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Introduction
Readership: Training psychiatrists, general practitioners, psychologists, medical students, allied mental health workers, general public.