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Automatic seizure detection technology is of great significance for long-term electroencephalogram (EEG) monitoring of epilepsy patients. The aim of this work is to develop a seizure detection system with high accuracy. The proposed system was mainly based on multifractal analysis, which describes the local singular behavior of fractal objects and characterizes the multifractal structure using a continuous spectrum. Compared with computing the single fractal dimension, multifractal analysis can provide a better description on the transient behavior of EEG fractal time series during the evolvement from interictal stage to seizures. Thus both interictal EEG and ictal EEG were analyzed by multifractal formalism and their differences in the multifractal features were used to distinguish the two class of EEG and detect seizures. In the proposed detection system, eight features (α0, αmin, αmax, Δα, f(αmin), f(αmax), Δf and R) were extracted from the multifractal spectrums of the preprocessed EEG to construct feature vectors. Subsequently, relevance vector machine (RVM) was applied for EEG patterns classification, and a series of post-processing operations were used to increase the accuracy and reduce false detections. Both epoch-based and event-based evaluation methods were performed to appraise the system's performance on the EEG recordings of 21 patients in the Freiburg database. The epoch-based sensitivity of 92.94% and specificity of 97.47% were achieved, and the proposed system obtained a sensitivity of 92.06% with a false detection rate of 0.34/h in event-based performance assessment.
Interaction between distant neuronal populations is essential for communication within the nervous system and can occur as a highly nonlinear process. To better understand the functional role of neural interactions, it is important to quantify the nonlinear connectivity in the nervous system. We introduce a general approach to measure nonlinear connectivity through phase coupling: the multi-spectral phase coherence (MSPC). Using simulated data, we compare MSPC with existing phase coupling measures, namely n : m synchronization index and bi-phase locking value. MSPC provides a system description, including (i) the order of the nonlinearity, (ii) the direction of interaction, (iii) the time delay in the system, and both (iv) harmonic and (v) intermodulation coupling beyond the second order; which are only partly revealed by other methods. We apply MSPC to analyze data from a motor control experiment, where subjects performed isotonic wrist flexions while receiving movement perturbations. MSPC between the perturbation, EEG and EMG was calculated. Our results reveal directional nonlinear connectivity in the afferent and efferent pathways, as well as the time delay (43±8ms) between the perturbation and the brain response. In conclusion, MSPC is a novel approach capable to assess high-order nonlinear interaction and timing in the nervous system.
Combining information from Electroencephalography (EEG) and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) has been a topic of increased interest recently. The main advantage of the EEG is its high temporal resolution, in the scale of milliseconds, while the main advantage of fMRI is the detection of functional activity with good spatial resolution. The advantages of each modality seem to complement each other, providing better insight in the neuronal activity of the brain. The main goal of combining information from both modalities is to increase the spatial and the temporal localization of the underlying neuronal activity captured by each modality. This paper presents a novel technique based on the combination of these two modalities (EEG, fMRI) that allow a better representation and understanding of brain activities in time. EEG is modeled as a sequence of topographies, based on the notion of microstates. Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) were used to model the temporal evolution of the topography of the average Event Related Potential (ERP). For each model the Fisher score of the sequence is calculated by taking the gradient of the trained model parameters. The Fisher score describes how this sequence deviates from the learned HMM. Canonical Partial Least Squares (CPLS) were used to decompose the two datasets and fuse the EEG and fMRI features. In order to test the effectiveness of this method, the results of this methodology were compared with the results of CPLS using the average ERP signal of a single channel. The presented methodology was able to derive components that co-vary between EEG and fMRI and present significant differences between the two tasks.
Motion sickness (MS) is a common experience of travelers. To provide insights into brain dynamics associated with MS, this study recruited 19 subjects to participate in an electroencephalogram (EEG) experiment in a virtual-reality driving environment. When riding on consecutive winding roads, subjects experienced postural instability and sensory conflict between visual and vestibular stimuli. Meanwhile, subjects rated their level of MS on a six-point scale. Independent component analysis (ICA) was used to separate the filtered EEG signals into maximally temporally independent components (ICs). Then, reduced logarithmic spectra of ICs of interest, using principal component analysis, were decomposed by ICA again to find spectrally fixed and temporally independent modulators (IMs). Results demonstrated that a higher degree of MS accompanied increased activation of alpha (r=0.421) and gamma (r=0.478) IMs across remote-independent brain processes, covering motor, parietal and occipital areas. This co-modulatory spectral change in alpha and gamma bands revealed the neurophysiological demand to regulate conflicts among multi-modal sensory systems during MS.
Complexity measures have been enormously used in schizophrenia patients to estimate brain dynamics. However, the conflicting results in terms of both increased and reduced complexity values have been reported in these studies depending on the patients’ clinical status or symptom severity or medication and age status. The objective of this study is to investigate the nonlinear brain dynamics of chronic and medicated schizophrenia patients using distinct complexity estimators. EEG data were collected from 22 relaxed eyes-closed patients and age-matched healthy controls. A single-trial EEG series of 2min was partitioned into identical epochs of 20s intervals. The EEG complexity of participants were investigated and compared using approximate entropy (ApEn), Shannon entropy (ShEn), Kolmogorov complexity (KC) and Lempel–Ziv complexity (LZC). Lower complexity values were obtained in schizophrenia patients. The most significant complexity differences between patients and controls were obtained in especially left frontal (F3) and parietal (P3) regions of the brain when all complexity measures were applied individually. Significantly, we found that KC was more sensitive for detecting EEG complexity of patients than other estimators in all investigated brain regions. Moreover, significant inter-hemispheric complexity differences were found in the frontal and parietal areas of schizophrenics’ brain. Our findings demonstrate that the utilizing of sensitive complexity estimators to analyze brain dynamics of patients might be a useful discriminative tool for diagnostic purposes. Therefore, we expect that nonlinear analysis will give us deeper understanding of schizophrenics’ brain.
Epileptic seizure detection plays an important role in the diagnosis of epilepsy and reducing the massive workload of reviewing electroencephalography (EEG) recordings. In this work, a novel algorithm is developed to detect seizures employing log-Euclidean Gaussian kernel-based sparse representation (SR) in long-term EEG recordings. Unlike the traditional SR for vector data in Euclidean space, the log-Euclidean Gaussian kernel-based SR framework is proposed for seizure detection in the space of the symmetric positive definite (SPD) matrices, which form a Riemannian manifold. Since the Riemannian manifold is nonlinear, the log-Euclidean Gaussian kernel function is applied to embed it into a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) for performing SR. The EEG signals of all channels are divided into epochs and the SPD matrices representing EEG epochs are generated by covariance descriptors. Then, the testing samples are sparsely coded over the dictionary composed by training samples utilizing log-Euclidean Gaussian kernel-based SR. The classification of testing samples is achieved by computing the minimal reconstructed residuals. The proposed method is evaluated on the Freiburg EEG dataset of 21 patients and shows its notable performance on both epoch-based and event-based assessments. Moreover, this method handles multiple channels of EEG recordings synchronously which is more speedy and efficient than traditional seizure detection methods.
The linearly-constrained minimum-variance (LCMV) beamformer is traditionally used as a spatial filter for source localization, but here we consider its spatiotemporal extension for P300 classification. We compare two variants and show that the spatiotemporal LCMV beamformer is at par with state-of-the-art P300 classifiers, but several orders of magnitude faster in training the classifier.
Behavioral microsleeps are associated with complete disruption of responsiveness for ∼0.5s to 15s. They can result in injury or death, especially in transport and military sectors. In this study, EEGs were obtained from five nonsleep-deprived healthy male subjects performing a 1h 2D tracking task. Microsleeps were detected in all subjects. Microsleep-related activities in the EEG were detected, characterized, separated from eye closure-related activity, and, via source-space-independent component analysis and power analysis, the associated sources were localized in the brain. Microsleeps were often, but not always, found to be associated with strong alpha-band spindles originating bilaterally from the anterior temporal gyri and hippocampi. Similarly, theta-related activity was identified as originating bilaterally from the frontal-orbital cortex. The alpha spindles were similar to sleep spindles in terms of frequency, duration, and amplitude-profile, indicating that microsleeps are equivalent to brief instances of Stage-2 sleep.
The proportion, number of bouts, and mean bout duration of different vigilance states (Wake, NREM, REM) are useful indices of dynamics in experimental sleep research. These metrics are estimated by first scoring state, sometimes using an algorithm, based on electrophysiological measurements such as the electroencephalogram (EEG) and electromyogram (EMG), and computing their values from the score sequence. Isolated errors in the scores can lead to large discrepancies in the estimated sleep metrics. But most algorithms score sleep by classifying the state from EEG/EMG features independently in each time epoch without considering the dynamics across epochs, which could provide contextual information. The objective here is to improve estimation of sleep metrics by fitting a probabilistic dynamical model to mouse EEG/EMG data and then predicting the metrics from the model parameters. Hidden Markov models (HMMs) with multivariate Gaussian observations and Markov state transitions were fitted to unlabeled 24-h EEG/EMG feature time series from 20 mice to model transitions between the latent vigilance states; a similar model with unbiased transition probabilities served as a reference. Sleep metrics predicted from the HMM parameters did not deviate significantly from manual estimates except for rapid eye movement sleep (REM) (p<0.01; Wilcoxon signed-rank test). Changes in value from Light to Dark conditions correlated well with manually estimated differences (Spearman’s rho 0.43–0.84) except for REM. HMMs also scored vigilance state with over 90% accuracy. HMMs of EEG/EMG features can therefore characterize sleep dynamics from EEG/EMG measurements, a prerequisite for characterizing the effects of perturbation in sleep monitoring and control applications.
Research has indicated that fatigue is a critical factor in cognitive lapses because it negatively affects an individual’s internal state, which is then manifested physiologically. This study explores neurophysiological changes, measured by electroencephalogram (EEG), due to fatigue. This study further demonstrates the feasibility of an online closed-loop EEG-based fatigue detection and mitigation system that detects physiological change and can thereby prevent fatigue-related cognitive lapses. More importantly, this work compares the efficacy of fatigue detection and mitigation between the EEG-based and a nonEEG-based random method. Twelve healthy subjects participated in a sustained-attention driving experiment. Each participant’s EEG signal was monitored continuously and a warning was delivered in real-time to participants once the EEG signature of fatigue was detected. Study results indicate suppression of the alpha- and theta-power of an occipital component and improved behavioral performance following a warning signal; these findings are in line with those in previous studies. However, study results also showed reduced warning efficacy (i.e. increased response times (RTs) to lane deviations) accompanied by increased alpha-power due to the fluctuation of warnings over time. Furthermore, a comparison of EEG-based and nonEEG-based random approaches clearly demonstrated the necessity of adaptive fatigue-mitigation systems, based on a subject’s cognitive level, to deliver warnings. Analytical results clearly demonstrate and validate the efficacy of this online closed-loop EEG-based fatigue detection and mitigation mechanism to identify cognitive lapses that may lead to catastrophic incidents in countless operational environments.
Nodes in large-scale epileptic networks that are crucial for seizure facilitation and termination can be regarded as potential targets for individualized focal therapies. Graph-theoretical approaches based on centrality concepts can help to identify such important nodes, however, they may be influenced by the way networks are derived from empirical data. Here we investigate evolving functional epileptic brain networks during 82 focal seizures with different anatomical onset locations that we derive from multichannel intracranial electroencephalographic recordings from 51 patients. We demonstrate how the various methodological steps (from the recording montage via node and link inference to the assessment of node centralities) affect importance estimation and discuss their impact on the interpretability of findings in the context of pathophysiological aspects of seizure dynamics.
We present a novel synergistic methodology for the spatio-temporal analysis of single Electroencephalogram (EEG) trials. This new methodology is based on the novel synergy of Local Global Graph (LG graph) to characterize define the structural features of the EEG topography as a global descriptor for robust comparison of dominant topographies (microstates) and Hidden Markov Models (HMM) to model the topographic sequence in a unique way. In particular, the LG graph descriptor defines similarity and distance measures that can be successfully used for the difficult comparison of the extracted LG graphs in the presence of noise. In addition, hidden states represent periods of stationary distribution of topographies that constitute the equivalent of the microstates in the model. The transitions between the different microstates and the formed syntactic patterns can reveal differences in the processing of the input stimulus between different pathologies. We train the HMM model to learn the transitions between the different microstates and express the syntactic patterns that appear in the single trials in a compact and efficient way. We applied this methodology in single trials consisting of normal subjects and patients with Progressive Mild Cognitive Impairment (PMCI) to discriminate these two groups. The classification results show that this approach is capable to efficiently discriminate between control and Progressive MCI single trials. Results indicate that HMMs provide physiologically meaningful results that can be used in the syntactic analysis of Event Related Potentials.
A novel technique of quantitative EEG for differentiating patients with early-stage Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD) from other forms of rapidly progressive dementia (RPD) is proposed. The discrimination is based on the extraction of suitable features from the time-frequency representation of the EEG signals through continuous wavelet transform (CWT). An average measure of complexity of the EEG signal obtained by permutation entropy (PE) is also included. The dimensionality of the feature space is reduced through a multilayer processing system based on the recently emerged deep learning (DL) concept. The DL processor includes a stacked auto-encoder, trained by unsupervised learning techniques, and a classifier whose parameters are determined in a supervised way by associating the known category labels to the reduced vector of high-level features generated by the previous processing blocks. The supervised learning step is carried out by using either support vector machines (SVM) or multilayer neural networks (MLP-NN). A subset of EEG from patients suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and healthy controls (HC) is considered for differentiating CJD patients. When fine-tuning the parameters of the global processing system by a supervised learning procedure, the proposed system is able to achieve an average accuracy of 89%, an average sensitivity of 92%, and an average specificity of 89% in differentiating CJD from RPD. Similar results are obtained for CJD versus AD and CJD versus HC.
Communication between neuronal populations is facilitated by synchronization of their oscillatory activity. Although nonlinearity has been observed in the sensorimotor system, its nonlinear connectivity has not been widely investigated yet. This study investigates nonlinear connectivity during the human stretch reflex based on neuronal synchronization. Healthy participants generated isotonic wrist flexion while receiving a periodic mechanical perturbation to the wrist. Using a novel cross-frequency phase coupling metric, we estimate directional nonlinear connectivity, including time delay, from the perturbation to brain and to muscle, as well as from brain to muscle. Nonlinear phase coupling is significantly stronger from the perturbation to the muscle than to the brain, with a shorter time delay. The time delay from the perturbation to the muscle is 33 ms, similar to the reported latency of the spinal stretch reflex at the wrist. Source localization of nonlinear phase coupling from the brain to the muscle suggests activity originating from the motor cortex, although its effect on the stretch reflex is weak. As such nonlinear phase coupling between the perturbation and muscle activity is dominated by the spinal reflex loop. This study provides new evidence of nonlinear neuronal synchronization in the stretch reflex at the wrist joint with respect to spinal and transcortical loops.
Currently, there are no developed methods to detect sharp wave transients that exist in the latent phase after hypoxia-ischemia (HI) in the electroencephalogram (EEG) in order to determine if these micro-scale transients are potential biomarkers of HI. A major issue with sharp waves in the HI-EEG is that they possess a large variability in their sharp wave profile making it difficult to build a compact ‘footprint of uncertainty’ (FOU) required for ideal performance of a Type-2 fuzzy logic system (FLS) classifier. In this paper, we develop a novel computational EEG analysis method to robustly detect sharp waves using over 30h of post occlusion HI-EEG from an equivalent, in utero, preterm fetal sheep model cohort. We demonstrate that initial wavelet transform (WT) of the sharp waves stabilizes the variation in their profile and thus permits a highly compact FOU to be built, hence, optimizing the performance of a Type-2 FLS. We demonstrate that this method leads to higher overall performance of 94%±1 for the clinical 64Hz sampled EEG and 97%±1 for the high resolution 1024Hz sampled EEG that is improved upon over conventional standard wavelet 67%±5 and 82%±3, respectively, and fuzzy approaches 88%±2 and 90%±3, respectively, when performed in isolation.
Detecting epileptic seizure from EEG signals constitutes a challenging problem of significant importance. Combining adaptive optimal kernel time-frequency representation and visibility graph, we develop a novel method for detecting epileptic seizure from EEG signals. We construct complex networks from EEG signals recorded from healthy subjects and epilepsy patients. Then we employ clustering coefficient, clustering coefficient entropy and average degree to characterize the topological structure of the networks generated from different brain states. In addition, we combine energy deviation and network measures to recognize healthy subjects and epilepsy patients, and further distinguish brain states during seizure free interval and epileptic seizures. Three different experiments are designed to evaluate the performance of our method. The results suggest that our method allows a high-accurate classification of epileptiform EEG signals.
Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) is a widely used neuromodulation technique that is currently used or being investigated as therapy for a wide array of human diseases such as epilepsy, depression, Alzheimer’s disease, tinnitus, inflammatory diseases, pain, heart failure and many others. Here, we report a pronounced decrease in brain and core temperature during VNS in freely moving rats. Two hours of rapid cycle VNS (7s on/18s off) decreased brain temperature by around 3∘C, while standard cycle VNS (30s on/300s off) was associated with a decrease of around 1∘C. Rectal temperature similarly decreased by more than 3∘C during rapid cycle VNS. The hypothermic effect triggered by VNS was further associated with a vasodilation response in the tail, which reflects an active heat release mechanism. Despite previous evidence indicating an important role of the locus coeruleus-noradrenergic system in therapeutic effects of VNS, lesioning this system with the noradrenergic neurotoxin DSP-4 did not attenuate the hypothermic effect. Since body and brain temperature affect most physiological processes, this finding is of substantial importance for interpretation of several previously published VNS studies and for the future direction of research in the field.
Sleep state development in preterm neonates can provide crucial information regarding functional brain maturation and give insight into neurological well being. However, visual labeling of sleep stages from EEG requires expertise and is very time consuming, prompting the need for an automated procedure. We present a robust method for automated detection of preterm sleep from EEG, over a wide postmenstrual age (PMA=gestational age+postnatal age) range, focusing first on Quiet Sleep (QS) as an initial marker for sleep assessment. Our algorithm, CLuster-based Adaptive Sleep Staging (CLASS), detects QS if it remains relatively more discontinuous than non-QS over PMA. CLASS was optimized on a training set of 34 recordings aged 27–42 weeks PMA, and performance then assessed on a distinct test set of 55 recordings of the same age range. Results were compared to visual QS labeling from two independent raters (with inter-rater agreement Kappa=0.93), using Sensitivity, Specificity, Detection Factor (DF=proportion of visual QS periods correctly detected by CLASS) and Misclassification Factor (MF=proportion of CLASS-detected QS periods that are misclassified). CLASS performance proved optimal across recordings at 31–38 weeks (median DF=1.0, median MF 0–0.25, median Sensitivity 0.93–1.0, and median Specificity 0.80–0.91 across this age range), with minimal misclassifications at 35–36 weeks (median MF=0). To illustrate the potential of CLASS in facilitating clinical research, normal maturational trends over PMA were derived from CLASS-estimated QS periods, visual QS estimates, and nonstate specific periods (containing QS and non-QS) in the EEG recording. CLASS QS trends agreed with those from visual QS, with both showing stronger correlations than nonstate specific trends. This highlights the benefit of automated QS detection for exploring brain maturation.
Electroencephalography (EEG) is an important method to investigate the neurophysiological mechanism underlying epileptogenesis to identify new therapies for the treatment of epilepsy. The neurophysiologically based neural mass model (NMM) can build a bridge between signal processing and neurophysiology, which can be used as a platform to explore the neurophysiological mechanism of epileptogenesis. Most EEG signals cannot be regarded as the outputs of a single NMM with identical model parameters. The outputs of NMM are simple because the diversity of neural signals in the same NMM is ignored. To improve the simulation of EEG signals, a multiple NMM is proposed, the output of which is the linear combination of the outputs of all NMMs. The NMM number is not fixed and is minimized under the premise of guaranteeing the fitting effect. Orthogonal matching pursuit is used to solve a constrained l0 norm minimization problem for NMM number and the strength of every NMM. The results showed that the NMM number was significantly lower during the ictal period than during the interictal period, and the strength of major NMMs increased. This indicates that neural masses fuse into fewer larger neural masses with greater strength. The distribution of excitatory and inhibitory strength during the ictal and interictal periods was similar, whereas the excitation/inhibition ratio was higher during the ictal period than during the interictal period.
Brain–computer interfaces (BCIs) for communication can be nonintuitive, often requiring the performance of hand motor imagery or some other conversation-irrelevant task. In this paper, electroencephalography (EEG) was used to develop two intuitive online BCIs based solely on covert speech. The goal of the first BCI was to differentiate between 10s of mental repetitions of the word “no” and an equivalent duration of unconstrained rest. The second BCI was designed to discern between 10s each of covert repetition of the words “yes” and “no”. Twelve participants used these two BCIs to answer yes or no questions. Each participant completed four sessions, comprising two offline training sessions and two online sessions, one for testing each of the BCIs. With a support vector machine and a combination of spectral and time-frequency features, an average accuracy of 75.9%±11.4 was reached across participants in the online classification of no versus rest, with 10 out of 12 participants surpassing the chance level (60.0% for p<0.05). The online classification of yes versus no yielded an average accuracy of 69.3%±14.1, with eight participants exceeding the chance level. Task-specific changes in EEG beta and gamma power in language-related brain areas tended to provide discriminatory information. To our knowledge, this is the first report of online EEG classification of covert speech. Our findings support further study of covert speech as a BCI activation task, potentially leading to the development of more intuitive BCIs for communication.