AUSTRALIA – Potential of Anisina to become major new chemotherapy.
AUSTRALIA – Phylogica peptide fusion kills aggressive breast cancer cells.
INDIA – South Asia running out of groundwater.
JAPAN – Fruit fly studies shed light on adaptability.
KOREA – Hanmi Pharm begins phase 2 clinical trials on new long-acting human growth hormone drug.
MALAYSIA – Researchers discover breakthrough treatment for depression.
MALAYSIA – New diagnosis tool pushed to cope with diabetes in Asia.
SINGAPORE – Scientists discover gene that allows a peek into the future on eye disease.
SINGAPORE – Babies from moms with hepatitis have better immune systems.
THE PHILIPPINES – Debate persists on pneumonia vaccine in the Philippines.
VIETNAM – Second hookworm genome hoped to lead to vaccines.
AFRICA – Shop-based malaria kit boosts testing for disease.
BRAZIL – Prospective Chagas vaccine proves effective in trials.
EUROPE – Vaccine against placental malaria to start human tests in Germany and Benin.
SRI LANKA – Sri Lankan farmers told to adapt to changing climate.
UNITED STATES – Genetic markers play a role in who benefits from aspirin, NSAIDs to lower colon cancer risk.
UNITED STATES – Potential Ebola treatment mechanism discovered.
UNITED STATES – Researchers develop new potential drug for rare leukemia.
UNITED STATES – Researchers find new link between neurodegenerative diseases and abnormal immune responses.