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    Given (M,g) a smooth compact Riemannian manifold of dimension n ≥ 5, we investigate compactness for fourth order critical equations like Pgu = u2-1, where formula is a Paneitz–Branson operator with constant coefficients b and c, u is required to be positive, and formula is critical from the Sobolev viewpoint. We prove that such equations are compact on locally conformally flat manifolds, unless b lies in some closed interval associated to the spectrum of the smooth symmetric (2,0)-tensor field involved in the definition of the geometric Paneitz–Branson operator.

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    For n ≥ 6, using the Lyapunov–Schmidt reduction method, we describe how to construct (scalar curvature) functions on Sn, so that each of them enables the conformal scalar curvature equation to have an infinite number of positive solutions, which form a blow-up sequence. The prescribed scalar curvature function is shown to have Cn - 1,β smoothness. We present the argument in two parts. In this first part, we discuss the uniform cancellation property in the Lyapunov–Schmidt reduction method for the scalar curvature equation. We also explore relation between the Kazdan–Warner condition and the first-order derivatives of the reduced functional, and symmetry in the second-order derivatives of the reduced functional.

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    An ℓ-groupG is an abelian group equipped with a translation invariant lattice-order. Baker and Beynon proved that G is finitely generated projective if and only if it is finitely presented. A unital ℓ-group is an ℓ-group G with a distinguished order unit, i.e. an element 0 ≤ u ∈ G whose positive integer multiples eventually dominate every element of G. Unital ℓ-homomorphisms between unital ℓ-groups are group homomorphisms that also preserve the order unit and the lattice structure. A unital ℓ-group (G, u) is projective if whenever ψ : (A, a) → (B, b) is a surjective unital ℓ-homomorphism and ϕ : (G, u) → (B, b) is a unital ℓ-homomorphism, there is a unital ℓ-homomorphism θ : (G, u) → (A, a) such that ϕ = ψ ◦ θ. While every finitely generated projective unital ℓ-group is finitely presented, the converse does not hold in general. Classical algebraic topology (à la Whitehead) is combined in this paper with the Włodarczyk–Morelli solution of the weak Oda conjecture for toric varieties, to describe finitely generated projective unital ℓ-groups.

  • articleNo Access


    In this paper, we investigate the localization of solutions of the Cauchy problem to a doubly degenerate parabolic equation with a strongly nonlinear source

    where N ≥ 1, p > 2 and m, l, q > 1. When q > l + m(p - 2), we prove that the solution u(x, t) has strict localization if the initial data u0(x) has a compact support, and we also show that the solution u(x, t) has the property of effective localization if the initial data u0(x) satisfies radially symmetric decay. Moreover, when 1 < q < l + m(p - 2), we obtain that the solution of the Cauchy problem blows up at any point of RN to arbitrary initial data with compact support.

  • articleNo Access

    Large blow-up sets for the prescribed Q-curvature equation in the Euclidean space

    Let m2 be an integer. For any open domain Ω2m, non-positive function φC(Ω) such that Δmφ0, and bounded sequence (Vk)L(Ω) we prove the existence of a sequence of functions (uk)C2m1(Ω) solving the Liouville equation of order 2m

    (Δ)muk=Vke2mukin Ω,limsupkΩe2mukdx<,
    and blowing up exactly on the set Sφ:={xΩ:φ(x)=0}, i.e.
    limkuk(x)=+ for xSφandlimkuk(x)= for xΩSφ,
    thus showing that a result of Adimurthi, Robert and Struwe is sharp. We extend this result to the boundary of Ω and to the case Ω=2m. Several related problems remain open.

  • articleNo Access

    Conformal scalar curvature equation on Sn: Functions with two close critical points (Twin Pseudo-Peaks)

    By using the Lyapunov–Schmidt reduction method without perturbation, we consider existence results for the conformal scalar curvature on Sn (n3) when the prescribed function (after being projected to IRn) has two close critical points, which have the same value (positive), equal “flatness” (“twin”; flatness <n2), and exhibit maximal behavior in certain directions (“pseudo-peaks”). The proof relies on a balance between the two main contributions to the reduced functional — one from the critical points and the other from the interaction of the two bubbles.

  • articleNo Access

    Profile of solutions for nonlocal equations with critical and supercritical nonlinearities

    We study the fractional Laplacian problem

    where s(0,1), q>pN+2sN2s and 𝜀>0 is a parameter. Here, ΩN is a bounded star-shaped domain with smooth boundary and N>2s. We establish existence of a variational positive solution u𝜀 and characterize the asymptotic behavior of u𝜀 as 𝜀0. When p=N+2sN2s, we describe how the solution u𝜀 blows up at an interior point of Ω. Furthermore, we prove the local uniqueness of solution of the above problem when Ω is a convex symmetric domain of N with N>4s and p=N+2sN2s.

  • articleNo Access

    A system of Schrödinger equations with general quadratic-type nonlinearities

    In this work, we study a system of Schrödinger equations involving nonlinearities with quadratic growth. We establish sharp criterion concerned with the dichotomy global existence versus blow-up in finite time. Such a criterion is given in terms of the ground state solutions associated with the corresponding elliptic system, which in turn are obtained by applying variational methods. By using the concentration-compactness method we also investigate the nonlinear stability/instability of the ground states.

  • articleNo Access

    Improved Adams-type inequalities and their extremals in dimension 2m

    In this paper, we prove the existence of an extremal function for the Adams–Moser–Trudinger inequality on the Sobolev space Hm0(Ω), where Ω is any bounded, smooth, open subset of 2m, m1. Moreover, we extend this result to improved versions of Adams’ inequality of Adimurthi-Druet type. Our strategy is based on blow-up analysis for sequences of subcritical extremals and introduces several new techniques and constructions. The most important one is a new procedure for obtaining capacity-type estimates on annular regions.

  • articleNo Access

    Well-posedness in weighted spaces for the generalized Hartree equation with p<2

    We investigate the well-posedness in the generalized Hartree equation iut+Δu+(|x|(Nγ)|u|p)|u|p2u=0, xN, 0<γ<N, for low powers of nonlinearity, p<2. We establish the local well-posedness for a class of data in weighted Sobolev spaces, following ideas of Cazenave and Naumkin, Local existence, global existence, and scattering for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation, Comm. Contemp. Math. 19(2) (2017) 1650038. This crucially relies on the boundedness of the Riesz transform in weighted Lebesgue spaces. As a consequence, we obtain a class of data that exists globally, moreover, scatters in positive time. Furthermore, in the focusing case in the L2-supercritical setting we obtain a subset of locally well-posed data with positive energy, which blows up in finite time.