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This empirical study contributes to extend the literature on the nexus between energy consumption, financial development, economic growth, and urbanization in Pakistan. We use annual time series data covering the year from 1970 to 2018 and employ the Autoregressive Distributive lag (ARDL) and Granger causality test. The results of the ARDL-bound test confirm cointegration between the variables, as the null hypothesis of no cointegration is rejected. Further, the long-run results show that financial development and urbanization have positive correlation with energy demand. However, economic growth is negatively correlated with energy consumption. Similarly, in the short run, the financial market and urbanization stimulated energy demand. However, economic growth is insignificant with energy consumption. Besides that, a bidirectional relationship is noted between urbanization and energy consumption. Based on the finding, this empirical study suggests that policymakers and government should revisit their policies regarding economic growth, explore alternative sources of energy, and try to shift towards renewable energy, which is cheaper and eco-friendly.
Crude oil prices wield substantial influence over economic stability and sustainability, exerting a profound impact across various sectors and significantly moulding the economic well-being of nations. Thus, precision of predicting crude oil prices is of utmost importance for a wide array of stakeholders, including policymakers, investors, and participants in the energy market. This study offers an empirical exploration of the Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average with Exogenous Variables (SARIMA-X) method, employing RMSE and MAPE values for forecasting crude oil prices during the most volatile periods from 2020 to 2023, including both COVID-19 pandemic and Russia Ukraine war period. The results indicate that the SARIMA-X method is effective for predicting crude oil prices during turbulent market conditions. This model can be a valuable tool for investors, traders, and other market participants, enabling them to make informed decisions when it comes to both intraday trading and long-term forecasting of crude oil prices.
Assessment of energy and environmental issues has received a special focus due to global warming and climate vulnerabilities. Energy, environment and economic development simultaneously yielded a combined effect, which is favorable from the economic point of view while unfavorable for environmental aspects. It is necessary to measure the energy, economic and environmental performance with appropriate methods. Therefore, this study measures the energy security and environmental efficiency. Data used in this study were collected from the official website of International Energy Agency (IEA), British Petroleum (BP) and World Bank. We employ a non-radial DEA technology for assessing energy and environmental efficiency for OECD countries. Results reveal that the values of energy intensity range from 0.93 to 0.30, while GHG emission per capita values range from 24.61 to 5.28. As far as energy efficiency is concerned, Iceland and Greece have the highest value (0.99) of energy efficiency, whereas Ireland has the lowest value (0.34) of energy efficiency. Further analysis shows that Austria, Australia, Portugal and Spain have values between 0.70 and 0.80 for energy intensity, whereas UK, Sweden, Germany and the USA have values of energy intensity, between 0.40 and 0.50. The study proposes some valuable policy implications for policy and decision-makers to make the environment more sustainable.
Many physical systems are represented by Partial Differential Equations (PDEs), and the study of chaotic dynamics in these systems is interesting and challenging. In this paper, the Li–Yorke chaos of PDEs is studied, and the Li–Yorke chaos is observable in several classes of PDEs, including systems with or without energy injection. For the PDEs without energy injection, three kinds of PDEs are investigated revealing the existence of Li–Yorke chaos, including a type of transport equations, a class of wave equations, and a kind of Navier–Stokes equations. For the PDEs with energy injection, only dissipative type of PDEs are studied, including a model of sound variation of the drum with damping, a kind of reaction–diffusion equations, and a class of two-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations. It is shown that Li–Yorke chaos is well defined for the characterization of the complicated dynamics of these systems. In particular, a physical explanation about chaos in such PDEs is provided, which gives an interesting explanation of acoustic chaos.
In this paper, we introduce fractal interpolation functions (FIFs) and linear FIFs on a post critically finite (p.c.f. for short) self-similar set K. We present a sufficient condition such that linear FIFs have finite energy and prove that the solution of Dirichlet problem -Δμ u = f,u|∂K = 0 is a linear FIF on K if f is a linear FIF.
In this paper we investigate a class of swing options with firm constraints in view of the modeling of supply agreements. We show, for a fully general payoff process, that the premium, solution to a stochastic control problem, is concave and piecewise affine as a function of the global constraints of the contract. The existence of bang-bang optimal controls is established for a set of constraints which generates by affinity the whole premium function. When the payoff process is driven by an underlying Markov process, we propose a quantization based recursive backward procedure to price these contracts. A priori error bounds are established, uniformly with respect to the global constraints.
This paper provides a detailed, cross-model analysis and discussion of the implications of carbon tax scenarios on changes in sectoral output, energy production and consumption and the competitiveness of the United States’ economy. Our analysis focuses on the broad patterns apparent across models in both qualitative and quantitative terms at the sector level, with a focus on energy-intensive, trade-exposed sectors. We identify how variations in carbon tax trajectories and different options for using the revenue from the tax drive these results.
This paper analyzes changes in U.S. energy-intensive, trade-exposed (EITE) manufacturing over the past decade, through the lens of previously proposed climate policy measures. The American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 defined measures and thresholds for EITE eligibility and proposed compensatory allowances designed to reduce negative competitive impacts to domestic industry and to prevent emissions leakage. We undertook a retrospective analysis of the 2009 eligibility criteria, using the same methods with more recent data to examine trends over the 2004–2017 period. We find that energy intensity, emissions intensity, output, and emissions have fluctuated with economic conditions, and defining measures and thresholds that remain informative is challenging. Had ACES been enacted as written and not revised, the number of sectors qualifying for rebates would have decreased from 39 to 26, after adjustment for the changes in North American Industry Classification System definitions. Emissions from the eligible sectors fell 26% across the three periods of analysis, while emissions from manufacturing as a whole fell 5%. We decompose the changes in emissions into scale and intensity measures based on a hybrid measure derived from Grossman and Krueger [(1993). Environmental impacts of a North American free trade agreement. In The US-Mexico Free Trade Agreement, PM Garber (ed.). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press] and Kaya and Yokoburi [(1997). Environment, Energy, and Economy: Strategies for Sustainability. Tokyo: United Nations University Press]. As an alternative, we perform the same analyses using the EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program data. These data, not available when ACES was written, offer annual greenhouse gas estimates for facilities that emit more than 25,000 tons CO2e annually. Finally, we draw some recommendations for future policy including (1) using measures that make price level adjustments straightforward or unnecessary, (2) keeping EITE policy focused on a small group of industries to minimize sectoral reclassification problems, (3) identifying industries prone to emissions leakage rather than just changes in output and (4) consider spatial heterogeneity of emissions and trade patterns.
About 140 countries have announced or are considering net zero targets. To explore the implications of such targets, we apply an integrated earth system–economic model to investigate illustrative net zero emissions scenarios. Given the technologies as characterized in our modeling framework, we find that with net zero targets afforestation in earlier years and biomass energy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) technology in later years are important negative emissions technologies, allowing continued emissions from hard-to-reduce sectors and sources. With the entire world achieving net zero by 2050 a very rapid scale-up of BECCS is required, increasing mitigation costs through mid-century substantially, compared with a scenario where some countries achieve net zero by 2050 while others continue some emissions in the latter half of the century. The scenarios slightly overshoot 1.5∘C at mid-century but are at or below 1.5∘C by 2100 with median climate response. Accounting for climate uncertainty, global achievement of net zero by 2050 essentially guarantees that the 1.5∘C target will be achieved, compared to having a 50–50 chance in the scenario without net zero. This indicates a tradeoff between policy costs and likelihood of achieving 1.5∘C.
The review paper provides a strategy for determining carbon emissions pricing in China to guide how carbon emissions might be mitigated to reduce fossil fuel pollution. China has promoted the development of clean energy, including hydroelectric power, wind power, and solar energy generation. In order to involve companies in carbon emissions control, regional and provincial carbon markets have been established since 2013. As China’s carbon market is organized domestically, and not necessarily using market principles, there has been little research on China’s carbon price and volatility. This paper provides an introduction to China’s regional and provincial carbon markets, proposes how to establish a national market for pricing carbon emissions, discusses how and when these markets might be established, how they might perform, and the subsequent prices for China’s regional and national carbon markets. Power generation in manufacturing consumes more than other industries, with more than 40% of total coal consumption. Apart from manufacturing, the northern China heating system relies on fossil fuels, mainly coal, which causes serious pollution. In order to understand the regional markets well, it is necessary to analyze the energy structure in these regions. Coal is the primary energy source in China, so that provinces that rely heavily on coal receive a greater number of carbon emissions permits. In order to establish a national carbon market for China, a detailed analysis of eight important regional markets is presented. The four largest energy markets, namely, Guangdong, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Hubei, traded around 82% of the total volume and 85% of the total value of the seven markets in 2017, as the industry structure of the western area is different from that of the east. The China National Development and Reform Commission has proposed a national carbon market, which can attract investors and companies to participate in carbon emissions trading.
Based on the multi-regional input-output framework, this paper analyzed the labor and energy transfer embodied in interregional trade in China. Meanwhile, through estimating the energy intensity per unit of labor embodied in final products in each region, this study examines whether the empirical results are consistent with the theoretical hypothesis and provides relevant explanations and industrial development suggestions. Results show that east coastal region and central region are the two main participants in interregional trade. As for the labor embodied in trade, east coastal region is the largest exporter of embodied labor, though it has the highest wage among eight regions; in contrast, north coastal and southwestern region, with relatively low wage, are the two largest importer of embodied labor. As for the energy embodied in trade, northwestern region is the largest exporter of embodied energy. Further analysis indicates that the energy intensity per unit of labor in region with relatively low GRP (such as northwestern region) is the highest, whereas those in Beijing-Tianjin Region and south coastal region (with relatively high GRP) are the lowest. By analyzing the Revealed Comparative Advantage in each region, the paper finds that the main reason for this inconsistency lies in the industrial structure in northwestern and north coastal region, which are highly dependent in primary industries. Improving the infrastructure and upgrading industrial structure are important steps for these regions to transform the extensive growth mode.
Industrial integration becomes more and more attractive to practitioners in industry, and draws a lot of attention from academia as well. However, the discussion of industrial integration is inconsistent, diversified, and targeted at different prospects. This paper attempts to address a systematic and comprehensive review on 74 articles about industrial integration from 2006 to 2016 in the SCI/SSCI database, in order to present an overview to researchers and practitioners. We will clarify current trends and main findings, and framework, strategies, and case analyses as well. The selected papers are diversified into seven research potential outlets. Summarization and research directions for each outlet are examined. Depending on the selected articles, European countries are the major contributed countries focusing on practical or technological issues regarding industrial integration.
Day by day, with the improved per capita demand and increasing population, energy requirements are increasing globally. Big organizations are trying to develop zero energy establishments by using solar rooftop systems and by following green building norms. This paper proposes to utilize the kinetic energy of water falling in high-rise buildings for the generation of electricity. This study proposes the idea of extracting electric power from falling water in high-rise buildings. A 15m high building is considered for the study, having sufficient water head to run a micro-hydro turbine. Hydraulic turbines are stationed at each storey of the building, which employs the water energy for the generation of electricity. Analytically, the suggested setup is commercially propitious for several major cities of the country. The economic review of the suggested setup is discussed for possible commercialization of the idea.
The CSFS is an extension of CPFS and CPicFS. The design addresses vagueness more explicitly. It extends the real subset’s range to complex with the use of unit disc. Due to its coverage in three directions: complex membership functions, complex abstinence membership function, and complex non-membership functions, CSFS has more flexibility than CFSs, CIFSs, CPFSs, and CPicFS. It can be applied in various ways through fuzzy control. The primary objective of this study is to present CSFGS, which exhibits exceptional performance in tackling challenging problem, particularly ones that involve multiple relationships. GSs and CSFSs are combined in this concept. As a result, many problems are combined with different relations. The AM of CSFGS and degree of vertex presence have been found. The lower and upper constraints on the energy of CSFGS are derived by calculating the energy of CSFGS. Furthermore, we have provided some details regarding the LE of the σJ-dominant CSFGS. We also propose the notion of isomorphic and identical σJ-dominating CSFGS. Finally, we have discussed a real-world example based on temperature variation and climatic data analysis in an environment with a LE of the σJ-dominant CSFGS, to demonstrate the applicability of the generated results. Also, an algorithm has been developed to clarify the fundamental workings of our application.
Using data from the 2007 Timor-Leste Living Standards Survey, this paper examines the determinants of household energy choices in Timor-Leste. The majority of households are dependent on dirty fuels such as fuelwood and kerosene for energy. Only a small fraction of households use clean energy such as electricity. Econometric results show that wealthy households, urban households, and those headed by individuals with higher levels of education are less likely to use and depend on kerosene and more likely to use and depend on electricity. While female-headed households are generally more likely to use and depend on fuelwood, richer female-headed households are more likely to use and depend on electricity. Our findings highlight the importance of ensuring an adequate supply of clean energy for all at affordable prices and of investing in education to raise awareness about the adverse impacts of using dirty fuels.
From both a regulatory and development perspective, these are active, encouraging times for the expansion of energy storage resources (“ESRs”) in the United States. From a significant ruling of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”) to the presentation and implementation of aggressive state initiatives, rapid ESR deployment continues unabated while ESR technology costs continue to decline precipitously. Undeniably, ESRs have arrived as a credible, useful component of a resilient and efficient grid. This chapter explores common ESRs and how they contribute to grid stability, the impact of regulatory agencies on the development of markets to compensate ESRs, how states are playing a pivotal role in advancing the development of ESRs, and the major factors that should be considered in the financing of ESRs.
In response to the sustainability challenges that the Los Angeles region is facing due to the climate crisis and an increasing population, UCLA launched the first university-led Grand Challenge in 2013 — the Sustainable LA Grand Challenge, thriving in a hotter Los Angeles. The long-term goals of this Grand Challenge are to transition Los Angeles County to 100% renewable energy, 100% local water, and enhanced ecosystem health by the year 2050. UCLA is leading this effort by coordinating research across disciplines, educating and training students to be the next-generation of problem solvers, and engaging stakeholders to create policy recommendations, technology breakthroughs, and partnerships that result in scalable urban sustainability solutions. Los Angeles County’s diversity in sustainability challenges, landscapes, and cultures make solutions implemented in Los Angeles relevant for megacities across the globe.
“The verdict is in. The world must act now to curb the cataclysmic effects of climate change. In NJ, we set a path to 100% clean energy by 2050, signed sweeping clean energy legislation and are protecting our land & water. Our children deserve nothing less.” — NJ Governor Murphy, November 24, 2018…
The news about climate change is increasingly bleak. Already, deep and consequential changes in the Earth’s systems, including the oceans, forests, and atmosphere, are occurring as a consequence of fossil fuel emissions. Looking ahead, scientists warn that the window of opportunity is rapidly closing for taking actions that could keep global average temperature increase to less than 2 Celsius degrees (C°) above the preindustrial era, the limit many scientists believe is needed to prevent potentially catastrophic effects of climate change. This chapter describes the scenarios for transitions in energy, agriculture, and land use that together are sufficient to limit global average temperature increase to 1.5–2 C°. These changes are not inevitable but will require urgent and extraordinary efforts to align policies, overcome financial bottlenecks, and speed market adoption of new solutions. Our assessment in the RMI Positive Disruption report/paper indicates that such changes may still be within reach, provided that enough subnational, national, international, and especially private-sector and civil-society actions can be launched and aligned to take full advantage of globally scaled production and deployment of clean energy technologies.
The World Nuclear Industry Report (WNISR) is an annual assessment of the status and trends in the commercial nuclear industry. The report has, for the past 15 years, monitored global construction, operation and closure of reactors and makes comparisons with the developments of renewable energy and the implications for climate change.
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