Globally, traffic accidents are of main concern because of more death rates and economic losses every year. Thus, road accident severity is the most important issue of concern, mainly in the undeveloped countries. Generally, traffic accidents result in severe human fatalities and large economic losses in real-world circumstances. Moreover, appropriate, precise prediction of traffic accidents has a high probability with regard to safeguarding public security as well as decreasing economic losses. Hence, the conventional accident prediction techniques are usually devised with statistical evaluations, which identify and evaluate the fundamental relationships among human variability, environmental aspects, traffic accidents and road geometry. However, the conventional approaches have major restrictions based on the assumptions regarding function kind and data distribution. In this paper, Aquila Anti-Coronavirus Optimization-based Deep Long Short-Term Memory (AACO-based Deep LSTM) is developed for road accident severity detection. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient and Deep Recurrent Neural Network (DRNN) are utilized for the feature fusion process. Data augmentation method is carried out to improve the detection performance. Deep LSTM detects the road accident and its severity, where Deep LSTM is trained by the designed AACO algorithm for better performance. The developed AACO-based Deep LSTM model outperformed other existing methods with the Mean Square Error (MSE), Root-Mean-Square Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) of 0.0145, 0.1204 and 0.075%, respectively.