Let gg be a pseudo-Riemannian metric of arbitrary signature on a manifold VV with conventional n+nn+n-dimensional splitting, n≥2,n≥2, determined by a nonholonomic (nonintegrable) distribution 𝒩 defining a generalized (nonlinear) connection and associated nonholonomic frame structures. We work with an adapted linear metric compatible connection ˆD and its nonzero torsion ̂𝒯, both completely determined by g. Our first goal is to prove that there are certain generalized frame and/or jet transforms and prolongations with (g,V)→(ˆg,ˆV) into explicit classes of solutions of some generalized Einstein equations ˆRic=Λˆg, Λ=const, encoding various types of (nonholonomic) Ricci soliton configurations and/or jet variables and symmetries. The second goal is to solve additional constraint equations for zero torsion, ̂𝒯=0, on generalized solutions constructed in explicit forms with jet variables and extract Levi-Civita configurations. This allows us to find generic off-diagonal exact solutions depending on all space time coordinates on V via generating and integration functions and various classes of constant jet parameters and associated symmetries. Our third goal is to study how such generalized metrics and connections can be related by the so-called “half-conformal” and/or jet deformations of certain subclasses of solutions with one, or two, Killing symmetries. Finally, we present some examples of exact solutions constructed as nonholonomic jet prolongations of the Kerr metrics, with possible Ricci soliton deformations, and characterized by nonholonomic jet structures and generalized connections.