The classical Menon’s identity [P. K. Menon, On the sum ∑(a−1,n)[(a,n)=1]∑(a−1,n)[(a,n)=1], J. Indian Math. Soc.((N.S.))29 (1965) 155–163] states that
where for a positive integer n, ℤ∗n is the group of units of the ring ℤn=ℤ/nℤ, gcd(,) represents the greatest common divisor, φ(n) is the Euler’s totient function and σk(n)=∑d|ndk is the divisor function. In this paper, we generalize Menon’s identity with Dirichlet characters in the following way: ∑a∈ℤ∗nb1,…,bk∈ℤngcd(a−1,b1,…,bk,n)χ(a)=φ(n)σk(nd),
where k is a non-negative integer and χ is a Dirichlet character modulo n whose conductor is d. Our result can be viewed as an extension of Zhao and Cao’s result [Another generalization of Menon’s identity, Int. J. Number Theory13(9) (2017) 2373–2379] to k>0. It can also be viewed as an extension of Sury’s result [Some number-theoretic identities from group actions, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo58 (2009) 99–108] to Dirichlet characters.