The one-loop contributions to the flavor-changing neutral current decays of the top quark into a light quark and a gauge boson or Higgs boson, namely, t→qV,qh, with q being u or c, and V being γ, g, or Z, are analyzed in this study within the framework of the minimal R-symmetric supersymmetric standard model. The charginos in this model have been separated into two sets, i.e. χ-chargino and ρ-chargino. The numerical results reveal that gluino or ρ-chargino predominantly dictate the predictions for BR (t→qV,qh), while the impact of neutralino or χ-chargino contributions is insignificant. By incorporating the constraints imposed by the squark mixing parameters from ˉB→Xsγ and B0d,s→μ+μ−, the theoretical predictions for BR(t→qg) can be significantly augmented to approximately 𝒪(10−5−10−6). On the other hand, the values of BR(t→qγ,qZ,qh) are predicted to be at least four orders of magnitude below the current experimental limits.