Most widely used dielectrics for MLCC are based on BaTiO3 composition which inevitably shows performance degradation during the application due to the migration of oxygen vacancies (V⋅⋅o). Here, the BaTiO3, (Ba0.97Ca0.03)TiO3, Ba(Ti0.98Mg0.02)O3, (Ba0.97Ca0.03)(Ti0.98Mg0.02)O3, (Ba0.96Ca0.03Dy0.01)(Ti0.98Mg0.02)O3 ceramics (denoted as BT, BCT, BTM, BCTM and BCDTM, respectively) were prepared by a solid-state reaction method. The core-shell structured grains (∼200 nm) featured with 10-20 nm wide shell were observed and contributed to the relatively flat dielectric constant-temperature spectra of BTM, BCTM and BCDTM ceramics. The TSDC study found that the single/ mix doping of Ca2+, especially the Mg2+, Mg2+/Ca2+ and Mg2+/Ca2+/Dy3+ could limit the emergence of V⋅⋅o during the sintering and suppress its long-range migration under the electric-field. Because of this, the highly accelerated lifetimes of the ceramics were increased and the value of BCDTM is 377 times higher than that of BT ceramics. The p−n junction model was built to explain the correlation mechanism between the long-range migration of V⋅⋅o and the significantly increased leakage current of BT-based dielectrics in the late stage of HALT.