To strengthen the ideal theory in BCI-algebras, the more general concept (∈,∈∨(κ∗,qκ))-fuzzy a-ideals in BCI-algebras is proposed. It is shown that (∈,∈∨q)-fuzzy a-ideals are (∈,∈∨(κ∗,qκ))-fuzzy a-ideals; however, the converse is not valid. Following that, the concept of (∈∨(κ∗,qκ),∈∨(κ∗,qκ))-fuzzy a-ideals is introduced. We demonstrate that (∈∨(κ∗,qκ),∈∨(κ∗,qκ))-fuzzy a-ideals are (∈,∈∨(κ∗,qκ))-fuzzy a-ideals. The converse is not true, and an example is given to support it. An equivalent condition for (∈,∈∨(κ∗,qκ))-fuzzy a-ideals is provided. We prove that the (∈,∈∨(κ∗,qκ))-fuzzy a-ideals are (∈,∈∨(κ∗,qκ))-fuzzy p-ideals and (∈,∈∨(κ∗,qκ))-fuzzy q-ideals. Furthermore, (∈,∈∨(κ∗,qκ))-fuzzy a-ideals are characterized in terms a-ideals.