Manufacture of a product in a desired shape and size with the desired characteristics and properties depends not only on the design of the product but also on the selection of an appropriate manufacturing process(es), which requires knowledge about the various alternatives available. This paper describes the process selection methodology for unconventional or advanced machining processes (AMPs), along with a preliminary selection strategy for basic type of manufacturing process. These two tasks along with parametric optimization form the core of an integrated and automated process planning system for an advanced machining environment. The process selection methodology for the AMPs is based on elimination and ranking strategy. To facilitate the process selection, AMPs have been reclassified or regrouped according to their material application capabilities, shape or manufacturing feature generating capabilities, operational capabilities, economic aspects, and environmental aspects. The described process selection methodologies for basic manufacturing process and AMPs, have been implemented in a software named as APSPOAMPS (Automated Process Selection and Parametric Optimization of AMPs). This paper also describes the proposed reclassifications of AMPs, implementation details of the developed software along with the two test examples.