We present a soft computing approach to character recognition from printed documents. For feature extraction, we define a number of fuzzy sets on the Hough transform of character pattern pixels and synthesize additional fuzzy sets by t-norms. The height of each t-norm constitutes a feature element and a set of 'n' such feature elements form an n-dimensional feature vector for the character. A 3n-dimensional vector is then generated from the n-dimensional feature vector by defining three linguistic fuzzy sets, namely, weak, moderate and strong. These 3n-dimensional vectors form a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) input for training by back propagation. The MLP outputs represent fuzzy sets denoting the belongingness of an input pattern to a number of fuzzy pattern classes. The feature set is chosen by optimizing a Feature Quality Index (FQI) using genetic algorithm. A two-state Markov chain is used to model degraded document images for simulation tests. The system can recognize characters with an accuracy of 98%.