Diagnosis of diabetes is usually achieved by obtaining a single reading of blood-glucose concentration value from the Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT). However, the result itself is inadequate in providing insight into the glucose-regulatory etiology of diabetes disease disorder, which is important for treatment purposes. The objective of this project was to conduct clinical simulation and parametric identification of OGTT model for diagnosis of diabetic patient, so as to classify diabetic or at-risk patients into different categories, depending on the nature of their blood-glucose tolerance response to oral injestion of a bolus of glucose. In other words, the patient classification depends on how the blood-glucose concentration varies with time; i.e. how much does it peak, how long does it takes to reach its peak value, how fast does it return to the fasting value, etc. during the oral glucose tolerance test.
To represent this blood-glucose concentration [y(t)] regulatory dynamics, the model selected is a second-order differential equation,
of blood-glucose concentration response to a bolus of ingested glucose Gδ(t). This model was then applied to the test subjects by making the model solution-expression for y(t) match the monitored clinical data of blood-glucose concentration at different time intervals, through clinical simulation and parametric identification. The solutions obtained from the model to fit the clinical data were different for normal and diabetic test subjects. The clinical data of "normal" subjects could be simulated by means of an under-damped solution of the model, as: y(t) = (G/ω)e-ωtsin ωt. The data of "diabetic" patients needed to be simulated by means of an over-damped solution of the model, as: y(t) = (G/ω)e-Atsin hωt, where G represents the magnitude of the impulse input Gδ(t) to the model (in gms of glucose per litre of blood pool volume), ω is the damped oscillatory frequency of the model, wn is the natural frequency of the system and
In order to facilitate differential diagnosis, we developed a non-dimensional diabetic index (DI) expressed as: [AymaxTd/GTmax]. This index can be used to facilitate the diagnosis of diabetes as well as for assessing the risk to becoming diabetic.