Science is the must for human culture of the third millennium. The exceptional role in this process is played by information and communication technologies (ICT), and the high demand for ICT leads to many forms of it: Internet, Mobile Internet, Internet of Things (IoT), Grid Computing, Cloud Computing. The article discusses influences and reflections to our life, caused by recent and future forms of ICT: a centralized and decentralized IoT regime, human privacy protection and protection of personal data, risk of cyber terrorism, communication reflection for the small country (like Lithuania), "silence of chips", some others. IoT is based on the idea of a worldwide, wireless, integrated network of smart facilities and devices ("things") as well as a whole range of different sensors and actuators, in which, using standard protocols, the "things" communicate with each other, and with people. Technically, the road to IoT covers device integration, certification and maintenance, service provisioning, as devices participating in IoT need to talk to each other, not just to people. Such phenomena are presented in the article as a challenge to interdisciplinary research. Future generations will have a smart live in a global environment, if we care more about sustainable development and planetary emergencies.