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The problem of the knee in primary cosmic ray at energy about 3–5 PeV is the most exciting problem in cosmic ray physics. Since 1958, physicists have been trying to solve this problem. In our opinion, the problem could be solved from the experimental point of view, whereas the primary spectrum would follow a pure power law. A key to the "knee" problem lies in the hadronic structure of EAS and its propagation in the Earth's atmosphere. Neither exotic processes nor new physics are used. An explanation of the approach and some results of Monte Carlo simulations are given below.
The famous formula for the emission angle of Cherenkov radiation should be modified when applied to hadronic reactions because of recoil effects and the color nature of the participants. They impose an upper limit on the energy of the gluon emitted at a given angle. Also, it leads to essential corrections to the nuclear refractive index value as determined from the angular position of Cherenkov rings.
It is widely believed that chiral symmetry is restored not only at high temperatures, but also at high nuclear densities. The drop of the order parameter of the chiral phase transition, the chiral condensate, with density has indeed been calculated in various models and is as such a rather robust result. In this talk I point out that the connection of this property with actual observables is far less clear. For this task a good hadronic description of the primary production of hadrons, their propagation inside the nuclear medium, their decay and the propagation of the decay products through the medium to the detector all have to be treated with equal accuracy and weight. In this talk I illustrate with the examples of ω production and π0π0 production how important in particular final state interactions are.
We discuss some problems concerning the application of perturbative QCD to high energy processes. In particular for hard processes, we analyze higher order and higher twist corrections. It is argued that these effects are of great importance for understanding the behaviour of pion electromagnetic form factor at moderately large momentum transfers. For soft processes, we show that summing the contributions of the lowest twist operators leads to a Regge-like amplitude.
The Hagedorn temperature, TH is determined from the number of hadronic resonances including all mesons and baryons. This leads to a stable result TH = 174 MeV consistent with the critical and the chemical freeze-out temperatures at zero chemical potential. We use this result to calculate the speed of sound and other thermodynamic quantities in the resonance hadron gas model for a wide range of baryon chemical potentials following the chemical freeze-out curve. We compare some of our results to those obtained previously in other papers.
The CMD-3 detector has been taking data since December 2010 at the VEPP-2000 electron–positron collider. The collected data sample corresponds to about 60 inverse picobarn of integrated luminosity in the c.m. energy range from 0.32 GeV to 2.0 GeV. Preliminary results of the analysis of various hadronic cross-sections, in particular, e+e−→π+π−, π+π−π0, KLKS, K+K−, ηγ, 3(π+π−), 2(π+π−π0), K+K−π+π−, K+K−η, K+K−π0, ηπ+π−, ωπ+π− and ω→π0e+e− are presented. The processes with multi-hadron final states have several intermediate states which have to be taken into account to correctly describe the angular and invariant mass distributions, as well as cross-section energy dependence.
We present the unified description of the existing data on elastic small angle pp and pˉp scattering at the energies 1.8, 1.96, 2.76, 7, 8 and 13 TeV in the framework of Additive Quark Model (AQM). The agreement with the data is quite reasonable.
Transverse momentum (pT) spectra of π− mesons calculated using ultra-relativistic quantum molecular dynamic (UrQMD) model (Latest version 3.3-p2) simulations have been compared with pT spectra of π− mesons, obtained experimentally in interactions of protons beam with carbon nuclei (propane as target) at momentum of 4.2 GeV/c. Spectral temperatures of negative pions obtained in experimental and UrQMD model simulated interactions of protons beam with carbon nuclei have been calculated by fitting both spectra with four different fitting functions, i.e. Hagedorn thermodynamic, Boltzmann distribution, Gaussian and exponential functions. These functions are used commonly for describing hadron spectra and their spectral temperatures. Hagedorn thermodynamic function has been recommended as the most suitable function to extract the temperature of negative pions at above momentum among these four functions.