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Implantable Contact Lens Developed.
Study Shows GM-free Zones Unnecessary.
Melbourne Scientists Grow Thymus Organ.
Artificial Livers to Cure Hepatitis.
University of Tokyo Selects Olympus SNP Typing System for Research.
Chronic Fatigue Linked to Low Serotonin.
Tanabe Seiyaku and GSK to Collaborate on Genome Drug Discovery.
Anti-alcoholic Gene in Polynesians Shows Asia-pacific Ancestry.
Tooth Minerals Replenished by Milk.
AustCancer Acquires Galenica Pharmaceuticals Inc.
New Approved National New Drugs.
Hepatitis Blockbuster?
Antithrombotics Market in China.
Win-win Partnership between Orchid and Par Pharma.
Japan Tobacco Inc. Launches HIV Drug in Japan.
Daiichi Markets Ototopical Antibiotic in Single-dispensing Container.
IP: Eye on Singapore’s Biomedical Science Industry.
Singapore’s Biomedical Science Industry’s 2003 Performance.
Aspect Medical Systems and Brain Resource Company Partners in MCI Study.
Mesoblast and Cordis Collaborate on Adult Stem Cell Heart Trial.
Apollo Life Sciences Begins Sale of Human Cell-Expressed Proteins Globally.
Workhardt Introduces Hepatitis A Vaccine into Indian Market.
Transgene Biotek Develops Oral Delivery of Insulin and Hepatitis B Vaacine.
Japan's Bioventures Today - Peruseus Proteomics Inc.
INDIA – Lack of access to technology ‘hampers detection of substandard drugs’.
JAPAN – Daiichi Sankyo announces development of nucleic acid treatment for Duchenne muscular dystrophy utilizing proprietary technology.
SINGAPORE – IBN creates unlimited source of human kidney cells.
SINGAPORE – Dyesol and Singapore's NTU sign agreement.
THE PHILIPPINES – Global biotech/GM crop plantings increase 100-fold from 1996.
AUSTRALIA – Phosphagenics further expands pain portfolio.
AUSTRALIA – Primary Health Care signs Australia distribution agreement for iGeneScreen™ prenatal test.
AUSTRALIA – Folic acid in pregnancy linked with reduced autism risk.
AUSTRALIA – Phylogica and Bio-Link collaborate to commercialize anti-inflammatory Phylomers.
AUSTRALIA – ABRAXANE® plus gemcitabine improves survival in Phase III study of patients with advanced pancreatic cancer.
CANADA – Verisante Technology, Inc. announces first sales of aura, a revolutionary medical device for the detection of skin cancer.
EUROPE – Project eyes robust medical technology for poor countries.
UNITED KINGDOM – Asthma sufferers have more lung fungi.
UNITED KINGDOM – Pioneering drug discovery gets major funding to move to next stage.
UNITED STATES – Gilead's sofosbuvir for hepatitis C meets primary endpoint in fourth pivotal Phase III study.
UNITED STATES – Eleven Biotherapeutics publishes data on EBI-005, a novel IL-1 inhibitor protein for topical treatment of dry eye disease.
UNITED STATES – Phase I/II trial of ADXS-HPV in anal cancer conducted by Brown University Oncology Group.
UNITED STATES – Scopolamine: An old drug with new psychiatric applications.
UNITED STATES – New bioengineered ears look and act like the real thing.
UNITED STATES – To trap a rainbow, slow down light.
UNITED STATES – AB SCIEX responds to milk contamination concerns with new method to detect dicyandiamide.
AUSTRALIA – Potential of Anisina to become major new chemotherapy.
AUSTRALIA – Phylogica peptide fusion kills aggressive breast cancer cells.
INDIA – South Asia running out of groundwater.
JAPAN – Fruit fly studies shed light on adaptability.
KOREA – Hanmi Pharm begins phase 2 clinical trials on new long-acting human growth hormone drug.
MALAYSIA – Researchers discover breakthrough treatment for depression.
MALAYSIA – New diagnosis tool pushed to cope with diabetes in Asia.
SINGAPORE – Scientists discover gene that allows a peek into the future on eye disease.
SINGAPORE – Babies from moms with hepatitis have better immune systems.
THE PHILIPPINES – Debate persists on pneumonia vaccine in the Philippines.
VIETNAM – Second hookworm genome hoped to lead to vaccines.
AFRICA – Shop-based malaria kit boosts testing for disease.
BRAZIL – Prospective Chagas vaccine proves effective in trials.
EUROPE – Vaccine against placental malaria to start human tests in Germany and Benin.
SRI LANKA – Sri Lankan farmers told to adapt to changing climate.
UNITED STATES – Genetic markers play a role in who benefits from aspirin, NSAIDs to lower colon cancer risk.
UNITED STATES – Potential Ebola treatment mechanism discovered.
UNITED STATES – Researchers develop new potential drug for rare leukemia.
UNITED STATES – Researchers find new link between neurodegenerative diseases and abnormal immune responses.