Welfare dependency is becoming a conspicuous problem in Hong Kong. Welfare claimants are accused of being overly dependent on welfare and lacking incentive to work. Welfare is even equated with "spiritual opium", that which erodes work incentive. Lone parents and the unemployed are among the groups blamed the most. This paper produces evidence, based on our research on lone mothers in Hong Kong, to refute the accusation of welfare dependency. The arguments that lone mothers are consciously maximising their social security benefits and that they are better off on benefit, as postulated in rational choice theory, is fallacious. We should therefore try to understand the welfare dependency of lone mothers not by reference to an alleged "dependency culture", but rather through a more holistic appreciation of the interactions among a variety of structural forces such as discrimination in the labour market, gender inequality in marital relation, low wages, inadequate child care facilities and the poverty traps within the social security system.