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In Hong Kong, post-divorce families have long been conceptualised as "single parent families", thereby overlooking the fact that some non-resident parents do have continuous participation in the post-divorce families. With this over-generalised conceptualisation, social services have been focusing on bringing about successful single parenting and have ignored the possibility of post-divorce co-parenting and non-residential parenting in these families. It also reinforces the win-lose dichotomy in fighting over child custody. The author recommends re-conceptualising the post-divorce families as "binuclear families" to draw our attention to the possible participation and influence of the non-resident parents in these families. Promotion of forever-parenthood and family law reform would also help to induce change in the dominant social discourse. We need more empirical research on post-divorce families to clear the obscured picture and facilitate the formulation of an inclusive practice model with these families. Last but not least, as co-constructors of the social discourse on families in alternate forms such as post-divorce families, social work practitioners should enhance their reflexivity on family ideologies and beliefs in parent-child relationships.
基 於 离 婚 家 庭 被 等 同 於 单 亲 家 庭 的 理 解, “非 与 孩 子 同 住 的 父 / 母” 在 香 港 离 婚 家 庭 中 的 参 与 一 直 被 忽 略。 在 服 务 设 计 及 实 施 时 也 忽 略 了 离 婚 家 庭 中 “非 与 孩 子 同 住 的 父 / 母” 的 亲 职 参 与 及 “协 作 亲 职” 的 可 能, 这 理 解 也 强 化 了 孩 子 抚 养 权 于 父 母 在 离 婚 中 作 为 成 与 败 的 象 徵 意 义。 基 于 过 往 的 不 足, 作 者 提 出 在 概 念 层 面 上 以 “双 核 心 家 庭” 取 代 单 亲 家 庭 的 理 解 以 及 在 法 律 层 面、 实 务 层 面 以 至 训 练 层 面 上 所 需 作 出 的 改 革 考 虑。
強制性施虐者服務是現時香港家庭暴力防 治 服務缺少的一環。根據國外的經驗,本文展示強制性輔導的優點,並討論在現時的法律框架下,香港可以如何通過香港法例第298章《感化犯人條例》去展開法庭頒令的施虐者輔導服務。
Can governments really do anything to strengthen families? What are the implications of different policies for both governments and families? Based on his family-policy responsibilities in Hong Kong and the U.S., the author brings his own personal historical and international lessons of experience for consideration by the proposed Hong Kong commission on family-friendly policies. Competing advocates of family policies might share common historical misunderstandings and value assumptions but they can differ in their definitions of family failure and how government can help families directly through general policies or through problem-specific advocacy groups. In addition to providing the first although abbreviated history of Hong Kong's Urban Family Life Survey of the 1960s, the author proposes three charges to be included in the current commission's terms of reference and work plan.
Lone parent families are often portrayed as welfare-dependent, and social policies and social services can be hostile to and discriminating against lone parents especially in societies dominated by traditional familism, such as Hong Kong. This resentment of lone parent families has not been present throughout Hong Kong's history, but has arisen over the past decade. This paper is based on a study that traced the changing discourses of the lone parent family in Hong Kong. Adopting the Foucauldian concept of genealogy of knowledge and inspired by Nancy Fraser and Linda Gordon's work on "genealogy of dependency", we trace the discourses of the lone parent family from the 1970s to the early 21st century. The term "lone parent" did not exist before the mid-1980s, and when it first appeared it was closely associated with vulnerability and charity. In the early 21st century, the lone parent discourse developed into a problematic discourse, with lone parents associated with welfare dependency, social security fraud, juvenile delinquency, family violence, and perceived as a threat to social stability. This paper notes that the "success" of this discourse may help to rationalize the cutting back of social security benefits for lone mothers and regulate welfare recipients.
In Asian societies, the sexual abuse experiences of male victims are rarely studied due to social gender role stereotype, which enforces the discourse that men are supposed to be tough and impossible to be hurt, and not to report sexual abuse. This research examines the life journey of 12 sexually abused male survivors in Hong Kong to explore their struggles. Results show: firstly, male survivors are caught in shame and excitement when talking about their abusive incidents. Shamefulness leads some of them to have negative self-esteem while excitement makes some of them addicted to sexual activities or even become homosexual; secondly, they feel insecure to tell others about it after being abused, because of masculinity identity; thirdly, relationship building is always hard for them since they do not know how to maintain distance with the others.
This paper reports research that examines general values and work values held by university students studying social work in Hong Kong. Comparison is also made with values held by similar students studying in different majors. Results indicated that social work students rated general values such as benevolence, self-direction, universalism and tradition higher than their non-social work counterparts. They also rated work values such as altruism, creativity, supervisory relations, independence and intellectual stimulation more highly. However, the social work students held lower values associated with economic returns, thus supporting a view that students with an inclination towards social work tend to espouse self-transcendence and intrinsic work values, and are less influenced by material rewards. Among the social work respondents, gender differences were found in both general and work values. Differences were also noted between the groups with different modes of study. Implications for social work education and future research are discussed.
This is a research brief on a qualitative study conducted from 2009 to 2010 in Hong Kong on the experiences of sexual violence victims in dealing with the various social systems and different professionals. The findings reveal that not only did the victims suffer from being sexually assulted, they also experienced a "secondary trauma". Secondary victimization is most serious in schools, the Equal Opportunities Commission and the judical system. The police, medical and social welfare systems need to be improved as well.
The purpose of this article is to uncover the trend of developing education courses for social entrepreneurship in higher education institutions in Hong Kong. The author had searched the syllabi or course descriptions across the websites of the higher education institutions in Hong Kong with the keywords of entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship and social innovation. It was found that most of the social entrepreneurship courses offered were one-off single subject for undergraduate students, General Education courses, and minor courses, with only a few courses targeting postgraduates. It was also found that curricular differences among the courses offered by various schools or faculties were not that obvious. To understand this, the author had undertaken an analysis of the schools where these courses resided, course objectives, course content, and teaching and learning strategies among these various social entrepreneurship courses. Discussion of these has given insights to arguing for the need of multidisciplinary collaborations among social entrepreneurship educators.
Using a large-scale dataset from Hong Kong, this study describes the prevalence of cyberbullying and examines how gender and grade level relate to cyberbullying among secondary school students in Hong Kong. Participants were 1,855 students from secondary schools (Forms 1 to 7). Students were given an anonymous questionnaire that included a scale for reporting their experiences of cyberbullying. Responses indicated that 17.8% of students reported cyberbullying and 30.9% experienced at least one type of cyberbullying in the past three months. Curses, insults, and humiliation were the most common types of cyberbullying. Males reported higher rates of bullying and victimization than did females. The overall rates of bullying and victimization peaked in Forms 2 or 3 and in Form 6. Cyberbullying among secondary students in Hong Kong is a serious problem that needs immediate attention. Potential intervention programs should target males and students in Forms 2, 3, and 6. Programs should mainly aim to reduce online curses, insults, and humiliation by students.
A case in the Hong Kong Chinese context is presented in this paper to illustrate the use of both quantitative (Holland's SDS) and qualitative career assessment (Card Sorts) to help a 16-year-old girl overcome career indecision. Guided by both Holland's Hexagonal Career Types Theory and Socio-Cognitive Career Theory, a career counsellor can promote a client's positive changes after two counseling sessions. This case supports Tracey's (2002) and Nauta et al.'s (2002) postulated bidirectional causal path between self-efficacy and interests. In addition, it highlights that partial match instead of perfect match between Self-directed search (SDS) scores and choice of academic major is more pragmatic or effective while performing quantitative assessment. Finally, it points to the need for establishing local SDS norms, examining the Holland codes for occupations in Hong Kong, and researching the link between congruence and maximal career outcomes in future research.
This study aimed to contribute to an exploratory categorization of different adolescent drug rehabilitation service models in Hong Kong. In-depth interviews were conducted with local social workers working in the medical model setting, integrated model setting, and social model setting. There was a trend that hybrid models were used by the drug rehabilitation service providers and a shift to postmodernism was found in the current service settings.
Official data shows that in 2021, there were 1,423 street sleepers in Hong Kong (excluding other forms of homelessness). However, the Hong Kong government has only subsidized a few NGOs to operate temporary shelters and homeless hostels. In this context, the Society for Community Organization pioneered a non-government-funded program called "Friend Home Hostel," a relatively long-stay hostel. This paper reports on resident profiles in this program and scrutinizes the functions of this program, drawing on data collected from a questionnaire survey and 21 in-depth interviews. The findings from this study are used to discuss the prospects and challenges of long-stay hostels that prepare residents for pathways out of homelessness. This long-stay hostel offers a social service model for the government and other NGOs by adopting a unique practice setting in which innovative and persistent intervention can promote the health and welfare of homeless people.
Informal family long-term caregiving has become an appealing policy topic in Hong Kong in recent years. The Hong Kong Government has released a commissioned report on caregivers of the elderly and persons with disabilities. It is timely to gauge the views of the policy stakeholders accordingly. This paper uses qualitative methods to review the existing carer policies and services and collect the experience and views of caregivers and frontline workers. It investigates the issues related to informal caregivers and discusses possible future directions.
Aphasia is an acquired language disorder caused by damage in a specific area of the brain that controls language use and understanding. This retroactive report aimed to summarize the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on the lived experience of people with aphasia (PWA) and caregivers. Their perceptions of the quality and effectiveness of these services were compared with service providers (speech therapists). About half of the PWA received speech-and-language therapy during phase 1 of COVID-19 (first half of 2020), but this issue of missing therapy sessions improved in phase 2 (the third and fourth waves of infection between July 2020 and October 2021). The pandemic reduced PWA’s social interactions and increased negative emotions in PWA and caregivers. Most speech therapists only commenced telepractice after the first COVID-19 outbreak, but in-person sessions resumed in phase 2. While most service receivers were in favor of teletherapy, therapists identified limitations and recommended suggestions for future implementation.
Welfare dependency is becoming a conspicuous problem in Hong Kong. Welfare claimants are accused of being overly dependent on welfare and lacking incentive to work. Welfare is even equated with "spiritual opium", that which erodes work incentive. Lone parents and the unemployed are among the groups blamed the most. This paper produces evidence, based on our research on lone mothers in Hong Kong, to refute the accusation of welfare dependency. The arguments that lone mothers are consciously maximising their social security benefits and that they are better off on benefit, as postulated in rational choice theory, is fallacious. We should therefore try to understand the welfare dependency of lone mothers not by reference to an alleged "dependency culture", but rather through a more holistic appreciation of the interactions among a variety of structural forces such as discrimination in the labour market, gender inequality in marital relation, low wages, inadequate child care facilities and the poverty traps within the social security system.
Since the Global Financial Crisis, the notion of securitization has become familiar to urban scholars, though research has been limited to mortgage-backed securities. This paper attempts to delineate the distinctive urban outcomes of securitization techniques applied to real estate, taking Hong Kong REITs (H-REITs) as a case study. It examines the way through which liquid H-REIT capital anchors into the built environment, and how this process impacts the life of local communities. The study shows that the urban dynamics of REIT investment contrast with the corporate environment and asset management objectives of the initiator/sponsor groups of H-REIT structures, a set of characteristics that are captured by the notion of “management styles.” Amongst the three management styles identified in the paper, those developed by the Hong Kong family-based groups have not been sufficiently active to produce significant effects on the built environment. In contrast, the Link REIT has an aggressive value enhancement strategy that has reconfigured the social geographies of retail consumption across the whole territory, to the detriment of social housing estate residents. These results support the recognition that the financialization of the built environment tends to exacerbate social polarization and to trigger political conflicts, but they must be weighed against the contingent conditions in which real estate securitization take place.
Twenty years after the return of Hong Kong from British to Chinese sovereignty in 1997, this paper examines the UK’s policy toward Hong Kong over the last decade, with a particular focus on its approach toward the ongoing and intensifying political and constitutional debates in Hong Kong, which have partial origins in the British colonial legacy. The paper argues that the UK has been attempting a delicate balancing act in relation to Hong Kong between a number of factors: the growing importance of relations with China as a whole, the particular opportunities offered by UK–Hong Kong links, the changing and more contested political landscape in Hong Kong, the occasional intervention of British politics, and the agreements on Hong Kong’s future to which the UK was party in the 1980s. These reflect tensions between pragmatism and idealism, and in conclusion, the paper discusses what the case of Hong Kong says more broadly about the making of British foreign policy.
This paper investigates the increasing use of cyber coercion by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) among its core interests: Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the South China Sea. It argues that the PRC’s deployment of sophisticated attacks in the form of cyber coercion continues to be part of its geostrategic playbook to exert its influence and prosecute its wider interests as a rising power in the Indo-Pacific region. However, it observes that cyber coercion will be employed by the PRC in concert with all the other tools — diplomatic, economic, and the political — across the spectrum. The paper has two broad goals: first to unpack the trends or patterns in the PRC-sponsored cyber coercion by accentuating contextual and operational dimensions using Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the South China Sea as analytical case studies; second, to highlight the opportunities and limitations of using cyber coercion as an asymmetrical capability in the changing threat landscape. The paper concludes that the PRC’s cyber coercion is characterized by blurring the distinction on what constitutes compellence and deterrence. The boundaries are not clear cut, and to a certain degree both are even mutually reinforcing. The in-depth analysis of the case studies reveals the growing prominence of disinformation campaigns in close coordination with cyber operations (malware, phishing, and DDoS attack). This emboldens the PRC with a myriad of coercive strategies in shaping its external environment and realizing its ambition of national rejuvenation across Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the South China Sea.
Social movements occur not only because of political opportunities but also due to a perceived threat to citizens. Popular contention has remained an important mode of political participation in Hong Kong since 1997 when its sovereignty was handed over to China. Many influential collective actions in Hong Kong occurred when residents felt a threat had arisen from policies made by the city government or Beijing. By examining the Anti-Extradition-Bill movement in Hong Kong, this paper explores how threat triggers and sustains social movements. It finds that threat both facilitates the mobilization of social movements and sustains them. Threat strengthens solidarity among movement supporters because of their shared concerns and goals. It sustains a movement when government responses confirm participants’ belief in the continual existence of the threat. The Anti-Extradition-Bill movement deepened the distrust between local residents and Beijing, resulting in the promulgation of the National Security Law by Beijing in May 2020.
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