Large scale multiprocessor systems or multicomputer systems, taking interconnection networks as underlying topologies, have been widely used in the big data era. Fault tolerance is becoming an essential attribute in multiprocessor systems as the number of processors is getting larger. A connected graph G is called strong Menger (edge) connected if, for any two distinct vertices u and v, there are min{dG(u),dG(v)} vertex (edge)-disjoint paths between them. Exchanged hypercube EH(s,t), as a variant of hypercube Qn, remains lots of preferable fault tolerant properties of hypercube. In this paper, we show that Qn−Qk(1≤k≤n−1) and EH(s,t)−Qk(2≤k≤min{s,t}) are strong Menger (edge) connected, respectively. Moreover, as a by-product, for dual cube Dn=EH(n−1,n−1), one popular generalization of hypercube, Dn−Qk is also showed to be strong Menger (edge) connected, where 1≤k≤n−1, n≥3.