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The implication of multivalued dependencies (MVDs) in relational databases has originally and independently been defined in the context of some fixed finite universe by Delobel, Fagin, and Zaniolo. Biskup observed that the original axiomatisation for MVD implication does not reflect the fact that the complementation rule is merely a means to achieve database normalisation. He proposed two alternative ways to overcome this deficiency: i) an axiomatisation that does represent the role of the complementation rule adequately, and ii) a notion of MVD implication in which the underlying universe of attributes is left undetermined together with an axiomatisation of this notion.
In this paper we investigate multivalued dependencies with null values (NMVDs) as defined and axiomatised by Lien. We show that Lien's axiomatisation does not adequately reflect the role of the complementation rule, and extend Biskup's findings for MVDs in total database relations to NMVDs in partial database relations. Moreover, a correspondence between (minimal) axiomatisations in fixed universes that do reflect the property of complementation and (minimal) axiomatisations in undetermined universes is shown.
Modifications of the intuitionistic fuzzy logic operations "conjunction", "disjunction" and "implications" are defined and some of their properties, and the relations among them are discussed.
Uninorms are important generalizations of triangular norms and conorms, with a neutral element lying anywhere in the unit interval, and left (right) semi-uninorms are non-commutative and non-associative extensions of uninorms. In this paper, we study the relations between implications and left (right) semi-uninorms on a complete lattice. We firstly investigate the left (right) semi-uninorms induced by implications, give some conditions such that the operations induced by implications constitute left or right semi-uninorms, and demonstrate that the operations induced by a right infinitely ∧-distributive implication, which satisfies the order property, are left (right) infinitely ∨-distributive left (right) semi-uninorms. Then, we discuss the residual operations of left (right) semi-uninorms and show that left (right) residual operators of strict left (right)-conjunctive left (right) infinitely ∨-distributive left (right) semi-uninorms are right infinitely ∧-distributive implications that satisfy the order property. Finally, we reveal the relationships between strict left (right)-conjunctive left (right) infinitely ∨-distributive left (right) semi-uninorms and right infinitely ∧-distributive implications which satisfy the order property.
In this paper, we firstly introduce two new classes of fuzzy implications generated from one-variable functions, called (f, g,∧)- and (f, g,∨)-implications, respectively. Then we give a series of necessary and sufficient conditions that these implications satisfy: left neutrality property, identity principle, ordering principle, law of contraposition, modus ponens and modus tollens, respectively. We also discuss the relations between (f, g,∧)- implication ((f, g,∨)-implications, respectively) and other known classes of fuzzy implications.
In this paper, an order induced by implications on a bounded lattice under some more lenient conditions than the ones given former studies is defined and some of its properties are discussed. By giving an order based on uninorms on a bounded lattice, the relationships between such generated orders are investigated.
Grouping functions, as one new case of not necessarily associative particular binary aggregation functions, have been proposed in the literature for their vast applications in fuzzy community detection problems, image processing and decision making. On the other hand, due to the wide applications in fuzzy reasoning, fuzzy control and approximate reasoning, the investigations of fuzzy implications derived from specific binary aggregation functions become a natural and hot research topic. In this paper, we focus on this research area and consider the ℐ𝒢,𝒩-implications induced from quasi-grouping functions and negations on bounded lattices. To be precise, firstly, by removing the continuity condition, we extend the notion of grouping functions on the unit closed interval to the so-called quasi-grouping functions on bounded lattices. Secondly, we give some basic properties and two construction methods of quasi-grouping functions on bounded lattices. Finally, we give the concept of ℐ𝒢,𝒩-implications and focus on the conditions under which they can satisfy the certain algebraic properties possessed by implications on bounded lattices.
This paper is devoted to the investigation of commutative implications on a complete lattice L. It is proved that the disjunctive normal form (DNF) of a linguistic composition * is included in the conjunctive normal form (CNF) of that *, i.e., DNF(*) ≤ CNF(*) holds, for a special family of t-norms, t-conorms and negations induced by commutative implications.