Inspired by persistent homology in topological data analysis, we introduce the homological eigenvalues of the graph pp-Laplacian ΔpΔp, which allows us to analyze and classify non-variational eigenvalues. We show the stability of homological eigenvalues, and we prove that for any homological eigenvalue λ(Δp)λ(Δp), the function p↦p(2λ(Δp))1pp↦p(2λ(Δp))1p is locally increasing, while the function p↦2−pλ(Δp)p↦2−pλ(Δp) is locally decreasing. As a special class of homological eigenvalues, the min–max eigenvalues λ1(Δp),…,λk(Δp),…,λ1(Δp),…,λk(Δp),…, are locally Lipschitz continuous with respect to p∈[1,+∞)p∈[1,+∞). We also establish the monotonicity of p(2λk(Δp))1pp(2λk(Δp))1p and 2−pλk(Δp)2−pλk(Δp) with respect to p∈[1,+∞)p∈[1,+∞).
These results systematically establish a refined analysis of ΔpΔp-eigenvalues for varying pp, which lead to several applications, including: (1) settle an open problem by Amghibech on the monotonicity of some function involving eigenvalues of pp-Laplacian with respect to pp; (2) resolve a question asking whether the third eigenvalue of graph pp-Laplacian is of min–max form; (3) refine the higher-order Cheeger inequalities for graph pp-Laplacians by Tudisco and Hein, and extend the multi-way Cheeger inequality by Lee, Oveis Gharan and Trevisan to the pp-Laplacian case.
Furthermore, for the 1-Laplacian case, we characterize the homological eigenvalues and min–max eigenvalues from the perspective of topological combinatorics, where our idea is similar to the authors’ work on discrete Morse theory.