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In this work, the effects of an ultrashort laser pulse on the excitation and ionization dynamics of a hydrogen guested endofullerene system embedded in a quantum plasma environment under spherical encompassment are investigated. The interaction of the plasma environment is considered within the more general exponential cosine screened Coulomb (MGECSC) potential model, and the excitation and ionization dynamics are analyzed through plasma screening parameters. For endohedral confinement, the relevant model that aligns with experimental data and is most suitable for static endohedral encapsulation is the Woods–Saxon potential model. By considering different numerical ranges of the parameters in this model, the effects of various forms of fullerenes are thoroughly explained through the analysis of confinement depth, spherical shell thickness, inner radius and the smoothing parameters. The effects of the characteristic properties of the laser pulse, such as its intensity and frequency, on the probability dynamics are also discussed. All parameters and their respective ranges are important for optimizing system performance. Additionally, the alternatives of all parameters related to the plasma-embedded endofullerene system for probability dynamics are considered. In this context, the findings cause new ideas in the controlled excitation and ionization processes of endofullerene systems embedded in a quantum plasma environment and provide a significant foundation for future experimental studies.
A multifaceted experimental study of collisions of Na+ and K+ ions in the energy range of 0.5–10 keV with He and Ar atoms is presented. Absolute cross-sections for charge-exchange, ionization, stripping and excitation processes were measured using a refined version of the transfer electric field method, angle- and energy-dependent collection of product ions, energy loss and optical spectroscopy methods. The experimental data and the schematic correlation diagrams are employed to analyze and determine the mechanisms for these processes.
We study the static properties of water tetramer in ground state, the optical absorption spectra and ultrafast nonadiabatic dynamical response of water tetramer to short and intense laser pulses with different intensities by a real-space, real-time implementation of time-dependent density functional theory coupled to molecular dynamics (TDDFT–MD) nonadiabatically. The calculated results are in good agreement with available values in literature. Four typical irradiated scenarios of water tetramer in laser field, which are “normal vibration,” “break and reorganization,” “fragmentation and new formation” and “pure fragmentation”, are explored by discussing the ionization, the bond lengths of OH bonds and hydrogen bonds and the kinetic energy of ions. The dynamic simulation shows that the reaction channel of water tetramer can really be controlled by choosing appropriate laser parameters referring to the optical absorption spectra and hydrogen ions play an important role in the reaction channel. Furthermore, it is found that the laser intensity affects the kinetic energy of ejected protons more than that of the remaining fragments and all dynamic processes are somehow directly related to the velocity of departing protons.
The electron-ion dynamics of hydroperoxyl radical in intense femtosecond laser pulses is studied by using time-dependent density functional theory combined with molecular dynamics approach. We calculate the optimized structure, the ionization energy, and the optical absorption strength. The results are in good agreement with experiments. The irradiation dynamics of HO2 including the ionization, the dipole moment, the bond lengths, the kinetic energies, and the level depletion is explored by varying the laser frequency. Computational results indicate that the excitation behaviors are distinct due to different frequencies. Furthermore, the angular dependence of the total ionization and the orbital ionization yields of HO2 are explored. The calculated result predicts a maximum around 40∘ and 220∘ for the total ionization and the angular dependence of the total ionization reflects the symmetry of the HOMO.
We study the electron-impact induced ionization of O2 from threshold to 120 eV using the electron spectroscopy method. Our approach is simple in concept and embodies the ion source with a collision chamber and a mass spectrometer with a quadruple filter as a selector for the product ions. The combination of these two devices makes it possible to unequivocally collect all energetic fragment ions formed in ionization and dissociative processes and to detect them with known efficiency. The ion source allows varying and tuning the electron-impact ionization energy and the target-gas pressure. We demonstrate that for obtaining reliable results of cross-sections for inelastic processes and determining mechanisms for the formation of O+(4S,2D,2P) ions, it is crucial to control the electron-impact energy for production of ion and the pressure in the ion source. A comparison of our results with other experimental and theoretical data shows good agreement and proves the validity of our approach.