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  • articleNo Access


    The Julia set of the quadratic map fμ(z) = μz(1 - z) for μ not belonging to the Mandelbrot set is hyperbolic, thus varies continuously. It follows that a continuous curve in the exterior of the Mandelbrot set induces a continuous family of Julia sets. The focus of this article is to show that this family can be obtained explicitly by solving the initial value problem of a system of infinitely coupled differential equations. A key point is that the required initial values can be obtained from the anti-integrable limit μ → ∞. The system of infinitely coupled differential equations reduces to a finitely coupled one if we are only concerned with some invariant finite subset of the Julia set. Therefore, it can be employed to find periodic orbits as well. We conduct numerical approximations to the Julia sets when parameter μ is located at the Misiurewicz points with external angle 1/2, 1/6, or 5/12. We approximate these Julia sets by their invariant finite subsets that are integrated along the reciprocal of corresponding external rays of the Mandelbrot set starting from the anti-integrable limit μ = ∞. When μ is at the Misiurewicz point of angle 1/128, a 98-period orbit of prescribed itinerary obtained by this method is presented, without having to find a root of a 298-degree polynomial. The Julia sets (or their subsets) obtained are independent of integral curves, but in order to make sure that the integral curves are contained in the exterior of the Mandelbrot set, we use the external rays of the Mandelbrot set as integral curves. Two ways of obtaining the external rays are discussed, one based on the series expansion (the Jungreis–Ewing–Schober algorithm), the other based on Newton's method (the OTIS algorithm). We establish tables comparing the values of some Misiurewicz points of small denominators obtained by these two algorithms with the theoretical values.

  • articleNo Access


    In this paper, we consider the family of rational maps

    where n ≥ 2, d ≥ 1, and λ ∈ ℂ. We consider the case where λ lies in the main cardioid of one of the n - 1 principal Mandelbrot sets in these families. We show that the Julia sets of these maps are always homeomorphic. However, two such maps Fλ and Fμ are conjugate on these Julia sets only if the parameters at the centers of the given cardioids satisfy μ = νj(d+1)λ or formula where j ∈ ℤ and ν is an (n - 1)th root of unity. We define a dynamical invariant, which we call the minimal rotation number. It determines which of these maps are conjugate on their Julia sets, and we obtain an exact count of the number of distinct conjugacy classes of maps drawn from these main cardioids.

  • articleNo Access

    Interactions of the Julia Set with Critical and (Un)Stable Sets in an Angle-Doubling Map on ℂ\{0}

    We study a nonanalytic perturbation of the complex quadratic family z ↦ z2 + c in the form of a two-dimensional noninvertible map that has been introduced by Bamón et al. [2006]. The map acts on the plane by opening up the critical point to a disk and wrapping the plane twice around it; points inside the disk have no preimages. The bounding critical circle and its images, together with the critical point and its preimages, form the so-called critical set. For parameters away from the complex quadratic family we define a generalized notion of the Julia set as the basin boundary of infinity. We are interested in how the Julia set changes when saddle points along with their stable and unstable sets appear as the perturbation is switched on. Advanced numerical techniques enable us to study the interactions of the Julia set with the critical set and the (un)stable sets of saddle points. We find the appearance and disappearance of chaotic attractors and dramatic changes in the topology of the Julia set; these bifurcations lead to three complicated types of Julia sets that are given by the closure of stable sets of saddle points of the map, namely, a Cantor bouquet and what we call a Cantor tangle and a Cantor cheese. We are able to illustrate how bifurcations of the nonanalytic map connect to those of the complex quadratic family by computing two-parameter bifurcation diagrams that reveal a self-similar bifurcation structure near the period-doubling route to chaos in the complex quadratic family.

  • articleNo Access

    Dynamics of Generalized Tangent-Like Maps

    For the class 𝒦 of meromorphic functions outside a compact countable set of essential singularities, we study the dynamics of some functions in 𝒦 for which the unit disc and its complement are invariant. These functions are products and compositions of the function E1=exp(z1z+1) with Blaschke products, that include the family En=expzn1zn+1, which are the main topic of the article. Slices of the space of parameters of En are given with a discussion of their main features. We construct a Poincaré extension of En to the hyperbolic three-dimensional space and to the 3-sphere. Also we study their dynamics.