In this paper we describe several new types of invariant sets that appear in the Julia sets of the complex exponential functions Eλ(z) = λez where λ ∈ ℂ in the special case when λ is a Misiurewicz parameter, so that the Julia set of these maps is the entire complex plane. These invariant sets consist of points that share the same itinerary under iteration of Eλ. Previously, the only known types of such invariant sets were either simple hairs that extend from a definite endpoint to ∞ in the right half plane or else indecomposable continua for which a single hair accumulates everywhere upon itself. One new type of invariant set that we construct in this paper is an indecomposable continuum in which a pair of hairs accumulate upon each other, rather than a single hair having this property. The second type consists of an indecomposable continuum together with a completely separate hair that accumulates on this continuum.