Background: With cell phone use and ownership on the rise, daily circumstances often require individuals to divide attentional resources between walking and a cell phone-related task. This division of attention has been found to detrimentally effect task performance, making pedestrian cell phone usage an increasing safety concern. However, most studies have investigated the impact of dual-tasks on situational awareness and few have focused on tasks other than texting. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effect of various cell phone-related tasks on lower limb kinematics during walking.
Methods: Fourteen healthy, college-aged subjects completed gait analysis trials in five walking conditions, one single-task walking condition and four dual task conditions: Walk+Converse, Walk+Read (Simple), Walk+Read (Difficult), and Walk+Text. Subjects’ movements were recorded with a motion capture system and peak sagittal plane lower extremity joint angles, gait velocity, and stride length were calculated.
Results: Of the eight kinematic outcome measures analyzed, all but one revealed some significant (p < 0.05) differences between dual-task walking conditions. Gait velocity and stride length both decreased due to the addition of the dual tasking, with the magnitude of the reduction becoming more apparent with the increased difficulty of the cell phone-based task.
Conclusion: This study supports a fundamental change to gait kinematics in response to cell phone use while walking, with the magnitude of impact being directly related to the complexity of the secondary task. The significant changes to gait kinematics in complex dual-task situations could present a threat to balance.