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This paper presents a simulation of the structural and optoelectronic properties of Scandium Arsenide (ScAs) and Aluminum Arsenide (AlAs) compounds. Theoretical modeling was performed using ab initio first-principles calculations, specifically the density functional theory (DFT), and the Mindlab numerical software. The software used two methods: the full-potential muffin-tin orbital method (FP-LMTO) and the full-potential plane-wave method (FP-LAPW). These two methods are employed to solve the Schrödinger equation. The exchange correlation effects have been computed using two different approximations: the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) and the local density approximation (LDA). Our findings indicate that the zinc blende structure (B3) is the stable phase, while the Wurtzite phase (B4) is metastable for the AlAs compound. On the other hand, the ScAs compound crystallizes in the NaCl phase (B1). The AlAs compounds undergo three phase transitions: B3→B4, B3→B2 and B3→B1. In contrast, ScAs does not undergo any transition. The obtained results for equilibrium energies, lattice parameters and gap energies are in closer agreement with the experimental and theoretical data. The AlAs compound exhibits a semiconducting character, while ScAs exhibits a semi-metallic character. Additionally, the refractive index of these two compounds is similar to that of silicon, which is crucial for their application in photovoltaic cells.
In this paper, we present the implementation of the Density Functional Theory (DFT) method using the Geant4-DNA framework in the Single Instruction Single Data (SISD) mode. Furthermore, this implementation is improved in terms of execution time within the GeantV project with vectorization techniques such as Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD). Within this framework, a set of SIMD strategies in molecular calculation algorithms such as one-electron operators, two-electron operator, quadrature grids, and functionals, was implemented using the VecCore library. The applications developed in this work implement two DFT functionals, the Local Density Approximation (LDA) and the General Gradient Approximation (GGA), to approximate the molecular ground-state energies of small molecules and amino acids. To assess the performance of the implementations, a standard test simulation was performed in multiple CPU platforms. The SIMD vectorization strategy significantly accelerates DFT calculations, leading to time ratios ranging from 1.6 to 5.4 in either individual steps or entire implementations when compared with the scalar process within Geant4.
Online shopping is becoming more prevalent, with consumers turning to e-commerce platforms to search for information about the goods and services they need. Users will usually check other consumer reviews on the platform as a reference while shopping. Online retailers can collect and analyze these online reviews to monitor consumer opinions about product quality, logistics services, packaging and other attributes to provide an accurate basis for product improvement and service optimization. This paper applies the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) algorithm to extract the critical factors that affect consumer satisfaction. More than 30,000 reviews of seven kinds of 3C (computer, communication, and consumer electronic) product categories obtained by crawler technology are analyzed. Then, the DEMATEL-ANP (DANP) method is applied to the extracted framework to build a cause-and-effect diagram of 3C product satisfaction model. The innovative LDA-DANP hybrid model clarifies the causal influence of the evaluation dimensions for 3C products sold online. The results show that brand value is the most important dimension affecting consumer online product satisfaction. Appearance design, logistics awareness service and product performance also have a positive influence on perceived service and brand value. Finally, some management implications and practical suggestions are proposed.
The main motivation of this paper is to propose a method to extract the output structure and find the input data manifold that best represents that output structure in a multivariate regression problem. A graph similarity viewpoint is used to develop an algorithm based on LDA, and to find out different output models which are learned as an input subspace. The main novelty of the algorithm is related with finding different structured groups and apply different models to fit better those structures. Finally, the proposed method is applied to a real remote sensing retrieval problem where we want to recover the physical parameters from a spectrum of energy.
The development of suitable EEG-based emotion recognition systems has become a main target in the last decades for Brain Computer Interface applications (BCI). However, there are scarce algorithms and procedures for real-time classification of emotions. The present study aims to investigate the feasibility of real-time emotion recognition implementation by the selection of parameters such as the appropriate time window segmentation and target bandwidths and cortical regions. We recorded the EEG-neural activity of 24 participants while they were looking and listening to an audiovisual database composed of positive and negative emotional video clips. We tested 12 different temporal window sizes, 6 ranges of frequency bands and 60 electrodes located along the entire scalp. Our results showed a correct classification of 86.96% for positive stimuli. The correct classification for negative stimuli was a little bit less (80.88%). The best time window size, from the tested 1s to 12s segments, was 12s. Although more studies are still needed, these preliminary results provide a reliable way to develop accurate EEG-based emotion classification.
Accurately quantifying the goodness of music based on the seemingly subjective taste of the public is a multi-million industry. Recording companies can make sound decisions on which songs or artists to prioritize if accurate forecasting is achieved. We extract 56 single-valued musical features (e.g. pitch and tempo) from 380 Original Pilipino Music (OPM) songs (190 are hit songs) released from 2004 to 2006. Based on an effect size criterion which measures a variable's discriminating power, the 20 highest ranked features are fed to a classifier tasked to predict hit songs. We show that regardless of musical genre, a trained feed-forward neural network (NN) can predict potential hit songs with an average accuracy of ΦNN = 81%. The accuracy is about +20% higher than those of standard classifiers such as linear discriminant analysis (LDA, ΦLDA = 61%) and classification and regression trees (CART, ΦCART = 57%). Both LDA and CART are above the proportional chance criterion (PCC, ΦPCC = 50%) but are slightly below the suggested acceptable classifier requirement of 1.25*ΦPCC = 63%. Utilizing a similar procedure, we demonstrate that different genres (ballad, alternative rock or rock) of OPM songs can be automatically classified with near perfect accuracy using LDA or NN but only around 77% using CART.
Word adjacency networks constructed from written works reflect differences in the structure of prose and poetry. We present a method to disambiguate prose and poetry by analyzing network parameters of word adjacency networks, such as the clustering coefficient, average path length and average degree. We determine the relevant parameters for disambiguation using linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and the effect size criterion. The accuracy of the method is 74.9 ± 2.9% for the training set and 73.7 ± 6.4% for the test set which are greater than the acceptable classifier requirement of 67.3%. This approach is also useful in locating text boundaries within a single article which falls within a window size where the significant change in clustering coefficient is observed. Results indicate that an optimal window size of 75 words can detect the text boundaries.
The phonon spectra, band structure and density of states of cubic perovskite SnTiO3 were investigated using first-principles density functional theory (DFT) computation. The potential energy curves of cations displacement and the formation energy of Sn substitution to B-site were calculated to estimate the structure stability. The results indicate that perovskite SnTiO3 is a promising ferroelectric end member for lead-free piezoelectric materials and applications.
We present results from ab-initio, self-consistent local density approximation (LDA) calculations of electronic and related properties of zinc blende indium phosphide (InP) and gallium phosphide (GaP). We employed a LDA potential and implemented the linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO) formalism. This implementation followed the Bagayoko, Zhao and Williams (BZW) method, as enhanced by Ekuma and Franklin (BZW–EF). This method searches for the optimal basis set that yields the minima of the occupied energies. This search entails increases of the size of the basis set and the related modifications of angular symmetry and of radial orbitals. Our calculated, direct band gap of 1.398 eV (1.40 eV), at the Γ point, is in excellent agreement with experimental values, for InP, and our preliminary result for the indirect gap of GaP is 2.135 eV, from the Γ to X high symmetry points. We have also calculated electron and hole effective masses for both InP and GaP. These calculated properties also agree with experimental findings. We conclude that the BZW–EF method could be employed in calculations of electronic properties of high-Tc superconducting materials to explain their complex properties.
We studied the crystal structure of perovskite BiAlO3 using ab initio density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Using the atomic positions given by the previous literature, we were able to create a lattice structure using visualization software Material Studio. Such sophisticated structure is found in rhombohedral perovskite system with space group with R3c (#161) and lattice parameter of a=b=c=5.338Å, bond angle of α=β=γ=60∘, while treating the exchange–correlation potential with the local density approximations (LDA) method. The calculations were performed to investigate the electronic, optical, elastic and phonon properties.
The electronic structure and density of states (DOS) of BaMnO3 compound are studied in the framework of density functional theory (DFT) using the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) and local density approximation (LDA). A number of different exchange-correlation functionals including hybrid (PBE, PZ and BLYP) exchange techniques have been used. The results show that in ambient conditions, the compound has metallic structure. It has been found from DOS calculations that the overlapping of bands near the Fermi energy are mainly due to the 3d state of Mn atoms.
LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) proposed by Blei is a generative probabilistic model of a corpus, where documents are represented as random mixtures over latent topics, and each topic is characterized by a distribution over words, but not the attributes of word positions of every document in the corpus. In this paper, a Word Position-Related LDA Model is proposed taking into account the attributes of word positions of every document in the corpus, where each word is characterized by a distribution over word positions. At the same time, the precision of the topic-word's interpretability is improved by integrating the distribution of the word-position and the appropriate word degree, taking into account the different word degree in the different word positions. Finally, a new method, a size-aware word intrusion method is proposed to improve the ability of the topic-word's interpretability. Experimental results on the NIPS corpus show that the Word Position-Related LDA Model can improve the precision of the topic-word's interpretability. And the average improvement of the precision in the topic-word's interpretability is about 9.67%. Also, the size-aware word intrusion method can interpret the topic-word's semantic information more comprehensively and more effectively through comparing the different experimental data.
In order to improve the segmentation accuracy of plant lesion images, multi-channels segmentation algorithm of plant disease image was proposed based on linear discriminant analysis (LDA) method’s mapping and K-means’ clustering. Firstly, six color channels from RGB model and HSV model were obtained, and six channels of all pixels were laid out to six columns. Then one of these channels was regarded as label and the others were regarded as sample features. These data were grouped for linear discrimination analysis, and the mapping values of the other five channels were applied to the eigen vector space according to the first three big eigen values. Secondly, the mapping value was used as the input data for K-means and the points with minimum and maximum pixel values were used as the initial cluster center, which overcame the randomness for selecting the initial cluster center in K-means. And the segmented pixels were changed into background and foreground, so that the proposed segmentation method became the clustering of two classes for background and foreground. Finally, the experimental result showed that the segmentation effect of the proposed LDA mapping-based method is better than those of K-means, ExR and CIVE methods.
Question-answering (QA) websites supply a quickly growing source of useful information in numerous areas. These platforms present novel opportunities for online users to supply solutions, they also pose numerous challenges with the ever-growing size of the QA community. QA sites supply platforms for users to cooperate in the form of asking questions or giving answers. Stack Overflow is a massive source of information for both industry and academic practitioners, and its analysis can supply useful insights. Topic modeling of Stack Overflow is very beneficial for pattern discovery and behavior analysis in programming knowledge. In this paper, we propose a framework based on the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) algorithm and fuzzy rules for question topic mining and recommending highlight latent topics in a community question-answering (CQA) forum of developer community. We consider a real dataset and use 170,091 programmer questions in the R language forum from the Stack Overflow website. Our result shows that LDA topic models via novel fuzzy rules can play an effective role for extracting meaningful concepts and semantic mining in question-answering forums in developer communities.
Online Analytical Processing, or OLAP, is an approach to answering multidimensional analytical (MDA) queries in an interactive way. However, the traditional OLAP approaches can only deal with structured data, but not unstructured textual data like tweets. To address this problem, we propose a Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)-based model, called Multilayered Semantic LDA (MS-LDA), which detects the hidden layered interests from Twitter data based on LDA. The layered dimension of interests can be further used to apply OLAP techniques to Twitter data. Furthermore, MS-LDA employs the semantic similarity among words of tweets based on word2vec, and also the social relationship among twitters, to improve its effectiveness. The extensive experiments demonstrate that MS-LDA can effectively extract the dimension hierarchy of tweeters' interests for OLAP.
Microblog is currently the largest social networking platform in China. In recent years, as a social media, the influence of microblog continues to expand. The users who have large influence play a guiding role in the spread of microblog, and even guide the trends of public opinion. Therefore, we propose an influence analysis method to find microblog users who are with great influence, which is of great significance for the research and mining of microblog. User influence analysis in microblog has great difficulties due to the limited amount of microblog information, quick updates and nonstandard microblog language. First, we use the label propagation algorithm combined with LDA algorithm to divide users by the user interest graph, according to the social relationship of microblog users and the content they generate. Then, depending on different interest areas, an improved PageRank algorithm based on user interaction behavior is proposed to calculate the user’s influence. Experiments on the real datasets show that the proposed method outperforms the traditional algorithms.
In Finger-Knuckle-Print (FKP) recognition, feature extraction plays a very important role in the overall system performance. This paper merges two types of the histograms of oriented gradients (HOG)-based features extracted from reflectance and illumination images for FKP-based identification. The Adaptive Single Scale Retinex (ASSR) algorithm has been used to extract the illumination and the reflectance images from each FKP image. Serial feature fusion is used to form a large feature vector for each user, and extract the distinctive features in the higher-dimension vector space. Finally, the cosine similarity distance measure is used for classification. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) FKP database is used during all of the tests. Experimental results show that our proposed system achieves better results than other state-of-the-art system.
With the rapid development of Internet technology, the network has become an indispensable way of life for undergraduates. The correct guidance of public opinion has also become an important thing in the ideological work of universities. Undergraduates are in an important period of formation and development of thoughts that they are easily to be incited by cyber-rumors. Therefore, it is particularly important to obtain the data of political public opinion in universities and position the hot topics for early detection of political public opinion tendency, which can also avoid the outbreak of major security incidents. With such consideration, this paper obtains multi-source political public opinion data from BBS, Tieba and Weibo of SUN YAT-SEN UNIVERSITY (SYSU) through crawler. We study a text feature extraction method based on Word2Vec & LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation), which improves the high-dimensional sparsity in traditional Vector Space Model (VSM) text representation. Meanwhile, based on the classical Single-pass clustering algorithm, this paper studies the Single-pass & HAC clustering algorithm. In addition, a measurement method of hot topic is defined to calculate the heat value of political public opinion. Dictionary and rule based method is used to improve the accuracy of sentiment tendency analysis. The experimental results demonstrate that the effect of topic detection and positioning based on LDA & Word2Vec and Single-pass & HAC algorithm is better than other methods.
A general framework for microarray data classification is proposed in this paper. It produces precise and reliable classifiers through a two-step approach. At first, the original feature set is enhanced by a new set of features called metagenes. These new features are obtained through a hierarchical clustering process on the original data. Two different metagene generation rules have been analyzed, called Treelets clustering and Euclidean clustering. Metagenes creation is attractive for several reasons: first, they can improve the classification since they broaden the available feature space and capture the common behavior of similar genes reducing the residual measurement noise. Furthermore, by analyzing some of the chosen metagenes for classification with gene set enrichment analysis algorithms, it is shown how metagenes can summarize the behavior of functionally related probe sets. Additionally, metagenes can point out, still undocumented, highly discriminant probe sets numerically related to other probes endowed with prior biological information in order to contribute to the knowledge discovery process.
The second step of the framework is the feature selection which applies the Improved Sequential Floating Forward Selection algorithm (IFFS) to properly choose a subset from the available feature set for classification composed of genes and metagenes. Considering the microarray sample scarcity problem, besides the classical error rate, a reliability measure is introduced to improve the feature selection process. Different scoring schemes are studied to choose the best one using both error rate and reliability. The Linear Discriminant Analysis classifier (LDA) has been used throughout this work, due to its good characteristics, but the proposed framework can be used with almost any classifier. The potential of the proposed framework has been evaluated analyzing all the publicly available datasets offered by the Micro Array Quality Control Study, phase II (MAQC). The comparative results showed that the proposed framework can compete with a wide variety of state of the art alternatives and it can obtain the best mean performance if a particular setup is chosen. A Monte Carlo simulation confirmed that the proposed framework obtains stable and repeatable results.
In calculating band structure, the local density approximation and density functional theory are widely popular and do reproduce a lot of the basic physics. Regrettably, without some fine tuning, the local density approximation and density functional theory do not generally get the details of the experimental band structure correct, in particular the band gap in semiconductors and insulators is generally found to be too small when compared with experiment. For experimentalists using commercial packages to calculate the electronic structure of materials, some caution is indicated, as some long-standing problems exist with the local density approximation and density functional theory.
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