We first summarize features of free, forced and stochastic harmonic oscillations and, following an idea first proposed by Lord Rayleigh in 1883, we discuss the possibility of maintaining them in the presence of dissipation. We describe how phonons appear in a harmonic (linear) lattice and then use the Toda exponential interaction to illustrate solitonic excitations (cnoidal waves) in a one-dimensional nonlinear lattice. We discuss properties such as specific heat (at constant length/volume) and the dynamic structure factor, both over a broad range of temperature values. By considering the interacting Toda particles to be Brownian units capable of pumping energy from a surrounding heat bath taken as a reservoir we show that solitons can be excited and sustained in the presence of dissipation. Thus the original Toda lattice is converted into an active lattice using Lord Rayleigh's method. Finally, by endowing the Toda–Brownian particles with electric charge (i.e. making them positive ions) and adding free electrons to the system we study the electric currents that arise. We show that, following instability of the base linear Ohm(Drude) conduction state, the active electric Toda lattice is able to maintain a form of high-T supercurrent, whose characteristics we then discuss.