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Let ℓ > 0 be a square free integer and the ring of integers of the imaginary quadratic field . Codes C over K determine lattices Λℓ(C) over rings . The theta functions θΛℓ(C) of such lattices are known to determine the symmetrized weight enumerator swe(C) for small primes p = 2, 3; see [1, 10].
In this paper we explore such constructions for any p. If p ∤ ℓ then the ring is isomorphic to 𝔽p2 or 𝔽p × 𝔽p. Given a code C over we define new theta functions on the corresponding lattices. We prove that the theta series θΛℓ(C) can be written in terms of the complete weight enumerator of C and that θΛℓ(C) is the same for almost all ℓ. Furthermore, for large enough ℓ, there is a unique complete weight enumerator polynomial which corresponds to θΛℓ(C).