This paper examines the relationship between liquidity and profitability of the non-financial firms listed in Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) for the period of 1998–2013. Pedroni and Johansen co-integration results show that liquidity, profitability, firm size and long-term debt (LTD) have significant co-integration relationship in the long run. The causality test results expose that a strong bidirectional casual relationship exist among the variables of liquidity and profitability, LTD and liquidity profitability and firm size in the short run. Also, there exists unidirectional causality among the variables of firm size and liquidity, profitability and LTD in the short run. Furthermore, Pooled Mean Group results show that profitability, firm size and LTD have long-run co-integration relationship with liquidity. However, in the short run, profitability and LTD significantly contribute to the liquidity and the error correction mechanism shows that speed of adjustment to equilibrium is significant within the year. Impulse response analysis indicates shocks in the firm size, LTD and profitability have positive and significant impact on liquidity.