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  • chapterNo Access

    Chapter 20: New Trends in the Sustainable Development of Logistics Systems During the Impact of COVID-19

    During the development of socio-economic systems with a certain periodicity, there arise crises initiated by the impact of political, financial, economic, epidemiological, and other nature events. Over the past few years, the global community faced the spreading and destabilizing effects of COVID-19 on all areas of life, business, production, commercial and non-commercial structures, and public administration. The chapter attempts to reveal and interpret current trends in the development of socio-economic and transport and logistics systems within COVID-19, revealing the reasons that characterize the emergence of imbalances in economic and transport and logistics systems. Within the framework of the studied topic, the chapter substantiates the necessity of forming forecast values for the sustainable functioning of supply chains, considering the possibility of interpreting the forecast in several variations. The basis for the formation of forecast values of development in the future is the fact that the value and volume of online commerce are already increasing every year. The unprecedented surge in online sales associated directly with the COVID-19 pandemic has brought volumes closer to the futures indicators of 2025. According to expert opinion, electronic sales have every chance to absorb 80% of the market by 2030. The research used classical methods of scientific knowledge, including system analysis, synthesis, graphical interpretation of the given data, comparative analysis, and abstraction. The summarizing part of the research substantiates the author’s opinion on the formation of areas of sustainable operation of logistics companies in the medium term. It is necessary to invest in the development of IT technologies and transport and storage infrastructure of logistic complexes and form optimal paths of transport processes. Logistics companies that will adhere to these recommendations should make clear scripted forecasts in several development options, considering the emergence of crisis and force majeure situations. One of the conclusions of the research is the fact that competition within the framework of global logistics systems, which has expanded to all levels of their organization up to the local one, determines the main success parameters in today’s business, not only the quality and value of the product but, to a greater extent, the time parameters of logistics services, the rapid development of last-mile logistics, and the optimization of intermodal and multimodal operations.

  • chapterNo Access

    Chapter 21: Mechanism for Developing the Transit and Export Potential of the Southern Federal District Logistics System

    The development of the export potential of the Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation is associated with the justified need to increase the capacity of transport and logistics infrastructure of the studied region and make more rational use of its geopolitical potential. Using geopolitical potential, regions of the Russian Federation seek to optimize the development of competitive industries in areas of economic activity, expanding export potential and pursuing the objectives of government policy to increase the region’s non-resource and non-energy exports, including from the perspective of the region’s transit potential. In essence, the concepts of export potential and transit potential are interrelated and interdependent; In practice, the formation and development of one provoke the growth of the other. Transit and export potential are concepts based on export-oriented production and on the capacity of transport and logistics infrastructure. Investments in the construction of regional distribution centers, which are embedded in the distribution chains of industries operating in the region, have the greatest importance in developing the transit and export potential of the logistics system. The chapter identifies the need to transition logistics services provided in the Russian Federation to a new integrated level of service. The reason for this situation is the increasing demand for quality and accelerated time performance of services every year, as evidenced by the expansion of the very concept of fulfillment. The authors applied statistical analysis and comparison methods, sampling, correlation and regression, and horizontal and vertical analysis. Investments in the construction of logistics centers are objectively local in practice, i.e., they have a local character. The investor receives the necessary information via the relevant ministries and departments, and the possible benefits and threats in terms of production location and preferences are considered in the investment decision-making process. In this process, the agencies must be fully involved in preparing a package of information on the available transport and logistics options for the transport and marketing of products. Implementing an investment project is a lengthy process. By understanding the investor’s needs, it is possible to offer solutions that are as attractive as possible for the investment. Since the necessary transport and logistics system will be developed by local businesses and logistics operators, the regional economy receives significant benefits realized in the creation of new jobs and increased revenues for the regional budget.

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    Chapter 25: Peculiarities of Planning and Neutralization of Risks in Logistics Distribution Systems

    The chapter shows that the basic component of logistics management is the formation of specific objectives based on detailed planning and forecasting of organizational and functional complex activities that provide logistics processes that form a supply chain. The sections of the detailed plan must not contradict the dominant goals but identify the possible risks for new planned activities arising within the logistics distribution system. The systemic and consistent implementation of goals-dominants, covering the entire distribution system and forming a multi-level structure of supply chain management, is realized through the achievement of objectives planned at lower levels of planning. In summarizing the study, the authors formed the view that the systemic development of plans for logistics activities, covering procurement, production processes, and the area of distribution at the level of operational planning, contains certain guarantees of success in a changing external and internal environment. Logistics planning is differentiated by volume, territorial, and temporal scope. The emergence of crises leads to the need for program and strategic planning, as well as monitoring the implementation of plans.