In this paper, we study para-Sasakian manifold (M,g) whose metric g is an η-Ricci soliton (g,V) and almost η-Ricci soliton. We prove that, if g is an η-Ricci soliton, then either M is Einstein and in such a case the soliton is expanding with λ=2n or it is D-homothetically fixed η-Einstein manifold and in such a case the soliton is shrinking with λ=−2n−4. We show the same conclusion when the para-Sasakian manifold (M,g) is of dim>3 and g is an almost η-Ricci soliton with V as infinitesimal contact transformation. Finally, we prove that, if the para-Sasakian manifold (M,g) of dim>3 admits a gradient almost η-Ricci soliton with V≠0, then M is Einstein. Suitable examples are constructed to justify our results.