Nucleate pool boiling heat transfer experiments have been conducted to nanofluids on a horizontal cylinder tube under atmospheric pressure. The nanofluids are prepared by dispersing Al2O3 nanoparticles into distilled water at concentrations of 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1 and 2wt.% with or without sodium, 4-dodecylbenzenesulfonate (SDBS). The experimental results showed that: nanofluids at lower concentrations (0.001wt.% to 1wt.%) can obviously enhance the pool boiling heat transfer performance, but signs of deterioration can be observed at higher concentration (2wt.%). The presence of SDBS can obviously enhance the pool boiling heat transfer performance, and with the presence of SDBS, a maximum enhancement ratio of BHTC of 69.88%, and a maximum decrease ratio of super heat of 41.12% can be found in Group NS5 and NS4, respectively. The tube diameter and wall thickness of heating surface are the influential factors for boiling heat transfer coefficient. Besides, we find that Rohsenow formula failed to predict the characteristics of nanofluids. The mechanism study shows that: the decrease of surface tension, which leads to the decrease of bubble departure diameter, and the presence of agglomerates in nanofluids are the reasons for the enhanced pool boiling heat transfer performance. At higher concentration, particle deposition will lead to the decrease of distribution density of the vaporization core, and as a result of that, the boiling heat transfer performance will deteriorate.