We discuss the existence of compact stars in the context of f(R)=R+αR2+βR2ln(βR) gravity model, where additional logarithmic corrections are assumed. Here, R is the Ricci scalar and α, β are constant values. Further, the compact stars are considered to be anisotropic in nature, due to the spherical symmetry and high density. For this purpose, we derive the Einstein field equations by considering Krori–Barua spacetime. For our proposed model, the physical acceptability is verified by employing several physical tests like the energy conditions, Herrera cracking concept and stability condition. In addition to this, we also discuss some important properties such as mass–radius relation, surface redshift and the speed of sound are analyzed. Our results are compared with observational stellar mass data, namely, 4U 1820-30, Cen X-3, EXO 1785-248 and LMC X-4. The graphical representation of obtained solutions provide strong evidences for more realistic and viable stellar model.