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We studied the dynamics of a neural network that has both recurrent excitatory and random inhibitory connections. Neurons started to become active when a relatively weak transient excitatory signal was presented and the activity was sustained due to the recurrent excitatory connections. The sustained activity stopped when a strong transient signal was presented or when neurons were disinhibited. The random inhibitory connections modulated the activity patterns of neurons so that the patterns evolved without recurrence with time. Hence, a time passage between the onsets of the two transient signals was represented by the sequence of activity patterns. We then applied this model to represent the trace eyeblink conditioning, which is mediated by the hippocampus. We assumed this model as CA3 of the hippocampus and considered an output neuron corresponding to a neuron in CA1. The activity pattern of the output neuron was similar to that of CA1 neurons during trace eyeblink conditioning, which was experimentally observed.
Neurons are the fundamental units of the brain and nervous system. Developing a good modeling of human neurons is very important not only to neurobiology but also to computer science and many other fields. The McCulloch and Pitts neuron model is the most widely used neuron model, but has long been criticized as being oversimplified in view of properties of real neuron and the computations they perform. On the other hand, it has become widely accepted that dendrites play a key role in the overall computation performed by a neuron. However, the modeling of the dendritic computations and the assignment of the right synapses to the right dendrite remain open problems in the field. Here, we propose a novel dendritic neural model (DNM) that mimics the essence of known nonlinear interaction among inputs to the dendrites. In the model, each input is connected to branches through a distance-dependent nonlinear synapse, and each branch performs a simple multiplication on the inputs. The soma then sums the weighted products from all branches and produces the neuron’s output signal. We show that the rich nonlinear dendritic response and the powerful nonlinear neural computational capability, as well as many known neurobiological phenomena of neurons and dendrites, may be understood and explained by the DNM. Furthermore, we show that the model is capable of learning and developing an internal structure, such as the location of synapses in the dendritic branch and the type of synapses, that is appropriate for a particular task — for example, the linearly nonseparable problem, a real-world benchmark problem — Glass classification and the directional selectivity problem.
Nonlinear dynamical models are frequently used to approximate and predict observed physical, biological and economic systems. Such models will be subject to errors both in the model dynamics, and the observations of the underlying system. In order to improve models, it is necessary to understand the causes of error growth. A complication with chaotic models is that small errors may be amplified by the model dynamics. This paper proposes a technique for estimating levels of both dynamical and observational noise, based on the model drift. The method is demonstrated for a number of models, for cases with both stochastic and nonstochastic dynamical errors. The effect of smoothing or treating the observations is also considered. It is shown that use of variational smoothing techniques in the presence of dynamical model errors can lead to potentially deceptive patterns of error growth.
The analysis of delay dynamics (DD) is the basic big picture in networked control systems (NCS) research since the knowledge of its behavior may improve the design of more robust controllers, and consequently, the system performance. However, the extreme complexity of modern communications and networks, coupled with their traffic characteristics, makes the characterization of their performance through analytical models a difficult task. Relying on fractional calculus (FC), this paper studies the dynamics of IP delays and attempts to clarify the most important features of network traffic, providing the reader some connections between traffic in communication networks and FC. Likewise, a fractional order model of DD is presented based on a survey of current network traffic models. Some simulations are given to validate the proposed model.
Control theory is concerned mainly with the treatment of signals. This article takes into account that living beings not only treat information, but they are open systems traversed by flows of energy and mass. A new block diagram of the regulation process is proposed, taking into account this fundamental difference between engineered and living systems. This new diagram possesses both didactic and heuristic advantages.
Developmental processes may impose limitations and directionality in the mode of development of a particular structure. The main problem is to determine the nature and the respective effects of physical and biological constraints in the development of organisms. The Aboav-Weaire law is a semi-empirical law developed to explain the topological structure of physical materials. In the present paper, we make a formal analysis of the quantitative relationships between physical and biological constraints in biological structures by using the inflorescence of the Araceae as a case study. The Aboav-Weaire law permits to obtain a quantitative estimate of the biological constraint acting on the inflorescences of this family. In the case of the Araceae, the empirical curve presents a constant deviation with respect to the Aboav-Weaire law. This deviation is due to the presence of a biological constraint as opposed to a physical constraint. The biological constraint tends to decrease the variance of the number of sides while it is the inverse situation for the physical constraint. The results obtained using the Araceae model can be used to study the interrelationships between biological and physical constraints in any organism or biological structure.
Current model for circadian rhythms is wrong both theoretically and practically. A new model, called yin yang model, is proposed to explain the mechanism of circadian rhythms. The yin yang model separate circadian activities in a circadian system into yin (night activities) and yang (day activities) and a circadian clock into a day clock and a night clock. The day clock is the product of night activities, but it promotes day activities; the night clock is the product of day activities, but it promotes night activities. The clock maintains redox or energy homeostasis of the internal environment and allows temporal separations between biological processes with opposite impacts on the internal environment of a circadian system.
The paper deals with a statistical method to analyze irregular phyllotactic patterns. To characterize the degree of order in phyllotactic systems, we determine the variation of the angle of divergence of a given leaf with regard to the preceding one. By knowing the range of uncertainty of the angle of divergence, it is possible to determine from which leaves rank a system becomes completely disorganized. We show that there is a quantitative link between the degree of uncertainty of the angle of divergence, and the number of regularly and randomly distributed leaves. To quantify this relationship, we deduced a formula from numerical simulations involving different ranges of uncertainty that can be observed in the angle of divergence in three different phyllotactic patterns: distichous (two orthostichies), opposite-decussate (four orthostichies) and spiral (137°). A χ2 statistical test allows us to determine the threshold of transition between ordered and disordered phyllotactic patterns with a fixed level of confidence. By using the sho mutants described by Itoh et al.1 as a case study, we show that this formula is useful mainly for analyzing the degree of order in phyllotactic mutants from two complementary points of view: the number of regularly distributed leaves and the degree of uncertainty of the divergence angle.
Fluoride-contaminated drinking water is a serious public health hazard in some parts of India. Field surveys have been conducted in fluoride-affected areas of the Birbhum district, West Bengal, India. From these surveys, it is found that in certain locations the drinking water contains less fluoride (within the permissible limit1) than in adjoining areas. We have isolated a strain of Streptococcus species from these wells that has the ability to remove the fluoride ion from the water. We have grown the bacteria in different concentrations of fluoride and monitored the decline in the free fluoride ion concentration. A simplified model of fluoride and bacterial dynamics is proposed. The model is handled both analytically and numerically. For numerical solution mainly our own laboratory data are used. Calibration and validation are performed with different sets of experimental data. Analytical solutions show that the bacterial consumption and growth rates are the most important parameters in the system. Analysis shows asymptotic stability of the system.
Extremal principles or ecological orientors or goal functions are the most modern approach in theoretical ecology. There are many such principles proposed by different theoretical ecologists. In this paper, the most important extremal principles are discussed based on their theoretical backgrounds. Two widely accepted goal functions, i.e. exergy and ascendency are optimized and treated in a quantitative manner in an aquatic ecosystem model of planktonic and fish systems for their appropriateness. In the model varied body sizes of phytoplankton and zooplankton are considered. Parameter values varied according to the allometric principle with the body sizes. For self-organization of the model system two goal functions predict different results, however both are realistic.
In previous experiments, a synergistic lethal effect on the honeybee has been demonstrated with two toxic agents: deltamethrin and prochloraz. The toxic agents were applied simultaneously or sequentially. Deltamethrin is metabolized by esterase and by cytochrome P-450-dependent monooxygenase. Prochloraz is a potent competitive inhibitor of cytochrome P-450. An attractive hypothesis explaining this synergic toxicity is that the persistence of deltamethrin is due to inhibition of the oxidative metabolism of deltamethrin by prochloraz. We tested this hypothesis using a mathematical model. A compartmental model in continuous time was constructed to represent this synergy by analyzing the degradation of toxic agents. This pharmacokinetic model was based on differential equations, using numerical resolution and Runge-Kutta’s integration method. When applied to a mixture of toxic agents, this model implies that the cumulative mortality of both compounds might be delayed compared to the mortality from treatment with toxic agents used separately. The hypothesis of metabolic synergy is compatible with experimental data only if the half-life of deltamethrin is short. The data from the model and the experimental data, diverged when deltamethrin was administered before prochloraz, which suggests that the phenomenon is more complex than expected.
The inflorescence of Symplocarpus foetidus constitutes good material to analyse the biological processes and physical constraints involved in the development of plants. During the development of the inflorescence, two morphogenetic periods can be distinguished (i) before and (ii) during and after the development of floral parts. In the first period, when the floral primordia appear, the phyllotactic system could be explained by global processes at the inflorescence level. In the second period, the development of floral parts produces patterns which can be explained by local processes at the floral level. In this analysis the author defines the concepts of open system and closed system in phyllotaxis. In a closed system (e.g. spadix) the elements are arranged on a continuous and closed surface. In an open system (e.g. shoot apex) the elements appear on a surface periodically renewed and are removed from each other by the intercalary growth.
We propose a model mechanism for the initiation and spatial positioning of teeth primordia in the alligator, Alligator mississippiensis. Detailed embryological studies12–14 have shown that jaw growth plays a crucial role in the developmental patterning of the tooth initiation process. The development of the spatial pattern occurs on a timescale comparable to jaw growth. Based on biological data we develop a dynamic patterning mechanism, which crucially includes domain growth. The mechanism can reproduce the spatial pattern development of the first seven teeth primordia in the lower jaw of A. mississippiensis. The results for the precise spatio-temporal sequence compare well with experiment.
The role of the geometry of prefractal interfaces in Laplacian transport is analyzed through its "harmonic geometrical spectrum." This spectrum summarizes the properties of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator associated with these geometries. Numerical analysis shows that very few eigenmodes contribute significantly to the macroscopic response of the system. The hierarchical spatial frequencies of these particular modes correspond to the characteristic length scales of the interface. From this result, a simplified analytical model of the response of self-similar interfaces is developed. This model reproduces the classical low and high frequency asymptotic limits and gives an approximate constant phase angle behavior for the intermediate frequency region. It also provides an analytical description for the crossovers between these regimes and for their dependency on the order of the prefractal interface. In this frame, it is shown that the properties of any generation prefractal can be deduced from the properties of the fractal generator, which are easy to reach numerically.
Amplified detection of nucleic acid by G-quadruplex based hybridization chain reaction.
Dow opens Photovoltaics Films Application Lab in Shanghai.
Researchers discover molecular mechanisms of left-right asymmetric control in the sea urchin.
China mulls new rule on human genetic research.
China to phase out organ donation from executed criminals.
Charles River Laboratories to expand research models business in China.
Chinese Science Academy Chief urges seizing on new technological revolution.
BGI contributes genome sequencing and bioinformatics expertise.
Taiwan government to encourage formation of smaller biotech funds.
This short review highlights the author’s group research on modified vitamin B12 derivatives with a peptide backbone as (1) inhibitors of B12-dependent enzymes and as (2) models of cofactor B12-protein complexes.
We study the kinetics of specific adhesion of giant vesicles on complemetary (bilayer-decorated) solid surfaces. Tensed vesicles exhibit a single adhesion zone that grows slowly. Floppy vesicles adhere via many small adhesion spots that grow and fuse, merging finally into a large adhesive zone. Using approaches derived from Ref. 12, we show how the progressive mobilization of adhesive molecules (diffusing toward the patch) can explain our experimental observations.
Androgen deprivation therapy is a common treatment for advanced or metastatic prostate cancer. Like the normal prostate, most tumors depend on androgens for proliferation and survival but often develop treatment resistance. Hormonal treatment causes many undesirable side effects which significantly decrease the quality of life for patients. Intermittently applying androgen deprivation in cycles reduces the total duration with these negative effects and may reduce selective pressure for resistance. We extend an existing model which used measurements of patient testosterone levels to accurately fit measured serum prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels. We test the model's predictive accuracy, using only a subset of the data to find parameter values. The results are compared with those of an existing piecewise linear model which does not use testosterone as an input. Since actual treatment protocol is to re-apply therapy when PSA levels recover beyond some threshold value, we develop a second method for predicting the PSA levels. Based on a small set of data from seven patients, our results showed that the piecewise linear model produced slightly more accurate results while the two predictive methods are comparable. This suggests that a simpler model may be more beneficial for a predictive use compared to a more biologically insightful model, although further research is needed in this field prior to implementing mathematical models as a predictive method in a clinical setting. Nevertheless, both models are an important step in this direction.
A two compartment mathematical model for the individual plant growth under the stress of toxic metal is studied. In the model it is assumed that the uptake of toxic metal by the plant is through root compartment. The toxic metal present in the soil interfere with the uptake and distribution of essential nutrients in plant causing decrease in the nutrient uptake eventually damaging the root structure. In the model it is further assumed that the resistance to nutrient transport from root to shoot compartment increases and nutrient use efficiency decreases due to the presence of toxic metal. In order to visualize the effect of toxic metal on plant growth, we have studied two models, that is, model for plant growth with no toxic effect and model for plant growth with toxic effect. From the analysis of the models the criteria for plant growth with and without toxic effects are derived. The numerical simulation is done using Matlab to support the analytical results.
In this paper, an SIRS epidemic model with high-risk immunization was investigated, where a susceptible neighbor of an infected node is immunized with rate h. Through analyzing the discrete-time model, we found that the epidemic threshold above which an epidemic can prevail and persist in a population is inversely proportional to 1 - h value. We also studied the continuous-time epidemic model and obtained a different result: the epidemic threshold does not depend on the immunization parameter h. Our results suggest that the difference between the discrete-time epidemic model and the continuous-time epidemic model exists in the high-risk immunization.