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Astronomical Spectroscopy
Astronomical Spectroscopy

3rd Edition
by Jonathan Tennyson
The Encyclopedia of Cosmology
The Encyclopedia of Cosmology

(In 4 Volumes)
Editor-in-chief: Giovanni G Fazio


  • articleNo Access


    Having its origin in a successful mapping technique, the Fock–Tani formalism, the corrected formula model formula retains the basic aspects of the formula predictions with the inclusion of bound-state corrections. Evaluation of the decay amplitudes has been performed for open-flavor strong decays in the light meson sector. The bound-state corrections introduce a fine-tuning for the former formula model, in particular, the adjustment of the D/S ratios in b1→ωπ, a1→ρπ and h1→ρπ decays.

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    We comment on the brane solutions for the boundary formula model that have been proposed so far and point out that they should be distinguished according to the patterns regular/irregular and discrete/continuous. In the literature, mostly irregular branes have been studied, while results on the regular ones are rare. For all types of branes, there are questions about how a second factorization constraint in the form of a b-2/2-shift equation can be derived. Here, we assume analyticity of the boundary two-point function, which means that the Cardy–Lewellen constraints remain unweakened. This enables us to derive unambiguously the desired b-2/2-shift equations. They serve as important additional consistency conditions. For some regular branes, we also derive 1/2-shift equations that were not known previously. Case by case, we discuss possible solutions to the enlarged system of constraints. We find that the well-known irregular continuous AdS2 branes are consistent with our new factorization constraint. Furthermore, we establish the existence of a new type of brane: the shift equations in a certain regular discrete case possess a nontrivial solution that we write down explicitly. All other types are found to be inconsistent when using our second constraint. We discuss these results in view of the Hosomichi–Ribault proposal and some of our earlier results on the derivation of b-2/2-shift equations.

  • articleNo Access

    Life with Salam (1959–1976)

    Having significantly interacted over 17 years with Abdus Salam, as an undergraduate, postgraduate, postdoc, and eventually as an academic colleague, I will try to paint a personal picture of Salam which may convey something about the man, his greatness and his humanity.

  • articleOpen Access


    A model to describe the mechanism of conformational dynamics in secondary protein based on matter interactions is proposed. The approach deploys the lagrangian method by imposing certain symmetry breaking. The protein backbone is initially assumed to be nonlinear and represented by the Sine-Gordon equation, while the nonlinear external bosonic sources is represented by ϕ4 interaction. It is argued that the nonlinear source induces the folding pathway in a different way than the previous work with initially linear backbone. Also, the nonlinearity of protein backbone decreases the folding speed.

  • articleOpen Access


    We study the behavior of the number of votes cast for different electoral subjects in majority elections, and in particular, the Albanian elections of the last 10 years, as well as the British, Russian, and Canadian elections. We report the frequency of obtaining a certain percentage (fraction) of votes versus this fraction for the parliamentary elections. In the distribution of votes cast in majority elections we identify two regimes. In the low percentiles we see a power law distribution, with exponent about -1.7. In the power law regime we find over 80% of the data points, while they relate to 20% of the votes cast. Votes of the small electoral subjects are found in this regime. The other regime includes percentiles above 20%, and has Gaussian distribution. It corresponds to large electoral subjects. A similar pattern is observed in other first past the post (FPP) elections, such as British and Canadian, but here the Gaussian is reduced to an exponential. Finally we show that this distribution can not be reproduced by a modified "word of mouth" model of opinion formation. This behavior can be reproduced by a model that comprises different number of zealots, as well as different campaign strengths for different electoral subjects, in presence of preferential attachment of voters to candidates.

  • articleOpen Access


    A new approach to model the biomatter dynamics based on the field theory is presented. It is shown that some well known tools in field theory can be utilized to describe the physical phenomena in life matters, in particular at elementary biomatters like DNA and proteins. In this approach, the biomatter dynamics are represented as results of interactions among its elementary matters in the form of lagrangian. Starting from the lagrangian would provide stronger underlying theoretical consideration for further extension. Moreover, it also enables us to acquire rich physical observables using statistical mechanics instead of relying on the space-time dynamics from certain equation of motions which is not solvable due to its nonlinearities. Few examples from previous results are given and explained briefly.