Applying network science to investigate the complex systems has become a hot topic. In neuroscience, understanding the architectures of complex brain networks was a vital issue. An enormous amount of evidence had supported the brain was cost/efficiency trade-off with small-worldness, hubness and modular organization through the functional MRI and structural MRI investigations. However, the T1-weighted/T2-weighted (T1w/T2w) ratio brain networks were mostly unexplored. Here, we utilized a KL divergence-based method to construct large-scale individual T1w/T2w ratio brain networks and investigated the underlying topological attributes of these networks. Our results supported that the T1w/T2w ratio brain networks were comprised of small-worldness, an exponentially truncated power–law degree distribution, frontal-parietal hubs and modular organization. Besides, there were significant positive correlations between the network metrics and fluid intelligence. Thus, the T1w/T2w ratio brain networks open a new avenue to understand the human brain and are a necessary supplement for future MRI studies.