The wide range of requirements and constraints involved in the design of nuclear components for fusion reactors makes the development of multi-physics analysis procedures of utmost importance. In the framework of the European DEMO project, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is dedicating several efforts to the development of a multi-physics analysis tool allowing the characterization of breeding blanket design points which are consistent from the neutronic, thermal-hydraulic and thermal-mechanical points of view. In particular, a procedure developed at KIT is characterized by the implementation of analysis software only. A preliminary step for the validation of such a procedure has been accomplished using a dedicated model of the DEMO Helium Cooled Pebble Bed Blanket 4th outboard module. A global model representative of nuclear irradiation in DEMO and two local models have been set up. Nuclear power deposition and the spatial distribution of its volumetric density have been calculated using Monte Carlo N-Particle transport code for the aforementioned models and compared in order to validate the procedure set up. The outcomes of this comparative study are herein presented and critically discussed.