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  • articleNo Access


    The impact of nanoliquid in the evolution of various industries and electronic devices is very remarkable. Motivated by these uses, this exploration describes the second law analysis in the Maxwell two-phase nanoliquid subject to the Lorentz force due to axisymmetric heated convective rotating flow with microorganisms and slip conditions. Thermal radiation, thermal variable conductivity, and chemical reaction are examined in the heat and concentration equation. The mass equation has been accounted for through the chemical reaction. Additionally, the physical properties of the entropy rate are considered. The constitution equations have been transformed into dimensionless form through the suitable transformation. The reduced system of equations has been solved analytically by the homotopy analysis method (HAM). The physical variables on Bejan number, entropy minimization, microorganism, concentration, velocity, and temperature distributions have been presented in graphical form. Computational results of moment coefficient, heat, mass, and motile density versus other factors are examined. The Maxwell fluid and slip variable display a reduction in radial velocity. An increase in the stretching parameter. The thermal layer is enlarged against the larger values of variable thermal conductivity, thermal radiation, and Biot number. Entropy generation and Bejan number are escalated due to the augment in the temperature difference variable, Brikamann number, and magnetic field.

  • articleNo Access


    The AISI H11 is widely used for making tools, dies and aircraft landing gears, due to its outstanding mechanical characteristics and superior wear resistance. However, these distinctive properties make it difficult to cut material. Deprived surface characters, high tool wear and higher manufacturing costs are concomitant with the machining of AISI H11. To limit the effects of the mineral oil-based flooding technique which affects the operator’s wellbeing, a vegetable oil-based minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) is represented as an alternative. In this study, graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs)-enhanced green sesame oil-based MQL is chosen for end milling. Initially, the nanofluid characteristics such as density, thermal conductivity, viscosity and surface tension at various concentrations are studied. Later, cutting temperature, surface finish, burr development, chip morphology and crystallographic structure are thoroughly examined. The results indicate that the MQL environment with nanofluid decreases the temperature by 75% and 15% compared with dry condition machining and conventional MQL environments, respectively; whereas the surface roughness reduction is observed to be 73% and 18% as compared with aforementioned atmospheres. Burr formation reduction is seen in the optical microscope examination. The smaller grain size of the machined surface and minimal amount of fibrous and curve chips show the superiority of the proposed cooling environment.

  • articleNo Access

    MHD Mixed Convection Boundary Layer Casson Nanofluid Flow over an Exponential Stretching Sheet

    Nano05 Nov 2024

    This paper investigates the effects of radiation, internal heat source and magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) on the mixed convective boundary layer flow of a Casson nanofluid within a porous medium that is saturated and subject to an exponentially stretching sheet. The nanofluid model incorporates Brownian motion and thermophoresis, and the Darcy model is employed for the porous medium. By applying an appropriate similarity transformation, the nonlinear governing boundary layer equations are converted into a set of nonlinear coupled ordinary differential equations. These equations are then solved numerically using the Hermite wavelet method, with simulations conducted through the MATHEMATICA programming language. The analysis covers various aspects including temperature distribution, velocity, solute concentration and several engineering parameters such as skin friction coefficients, the Nusselt number (rate of heat transfer) and the Sherwood number (rate of mass transfer), all evaluated based on dimensionless physical parameters. The results indicate that elevated radiation intensifies temperatures and leads to thicker thermal boundary layers. As the Casson parameter increases, both the velocity and the momentum boundary layer become narrower. Additionally, a more pronounced chemical reaction rate reduces the thickness of the solutal boundary layer. The accuracy and reliability of the numerical Hermite wavelet method are validated through a comparative analysis with previous studies, demonstrating excellent concordance and confirming the robustness of the computational approach.

  • articleNo Access

    Insight into the forced convective radiative Stefan flow of nanofluid over an unsteady stretched sheet

    Water-based ‘nanofluid’ flow owing to an unsteady stretched surface is inspected in this paper considering Stefan blowing and thermal radiation. ‘Similarity transformations’ are applied to reduce the governing ‘partial differential equations’ (PDEs) for momentum, energy and concentration into ‘nonlinear’ ‘ordinary differential equations’ (ODEs). By using a shooting technique, those equations are solved numerically with the help of fourth-order ‘Runge–Kutta method’. ‘Wall shear stress’ rises but ‘heat transfer’ as well as ‘mass transfer coefficients’ reduce for the augmentation in ‘Stefan blowing/suction parameter’. ‘Temperature’ and ‘concentration’ of nanoliquid are found to rise but liquid’s ‘velocity’ reduces for the growing of ‘nanoparticle’s volume fraction’. Liquid’s ‘velocity’ and ‘concentration’ are observed to decrease for enhanced ‘Lewis number’. Based on the results presented here as well as their anatomical analysis, the relevant parameters significantly affect the stream, warmth and mass transports.

  • articleNo Access

    An analysis of dissipative Casson ternary hybrid nanoflow with varying thermal-mass distribution over a flat plate

    This paper investigates the dissipative Casson ternary hybrid nanoflow comprising Ag, Cu, and MoS2 nanocomposite, over a flat plate. Incorporating the thermal source, varying temperature, and concentration provides the required novelty of the study. The physical flow model has been computationally resolved using the Bvp4c approach, after the transformation of the system of PDEs into coupled ODEs. The effects of various parameters on the velocity, temperature, mass distribution profiles, rate of shear stress, Nusselt number, and Sherwood number are shown in figures and tables. The thermo transposition rate in Newtonian, hybrid Newtonian, Casson, and Casson hybrid Newtonian fluids increases by 83%, 115%, 152%, and 183%, respectively, with the enhancement of the dissipation effect. Furthermore, the Sherwood coefficient increases by 31% for each of the four fluid types, while the variable mass index measurement improves. The results indicate a significant advancement in bio-nanofluid dynamics, presenting considerable prospects for optimizing heat transfer in bioengineering. An important concordance between the present investigation and the prior one has also been shown.

  • articleNo Access


    Machining with minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) or minimum quantity cooling (MQC) as a subset of green machining is a process in which small volume fluid of high lubrication and cooling properties alongside high pressure air is used in the material removal process. The heat generated in the grinding process has a great impact upon the workpiece quality. Serving lubrication and heat transfer functions, cutting fluids have an essential role in reducing the temperature and thus improving the process of grinding. In this research, nanofluid made of graphene nanoparticles in water-based fluid as a cutting fluid of high heat transfer is utilized to investigate the effects of nozzle number and nozzle geometry of the MQC system on the cutting temperature and surface roughness of the workpiece. The effect of geometry and number of nozzles on grinding with MQC has not been studied so far. The study findings show that the nozzle outlet cross-section of rectangular, compared to circular, decreases the surface roughness and temperature by 30% and 36%, respectively. Moreover, compared to the single nozzle, the use of three nozzles results in a decrease of 19% and 31.7% in the surface roughness and temperature. Under the same machining conditions, the MQC method by 0.15wt.% nanofluid of graphene in water using a rectangular nozzle outlet of 1.2mm width makes surface roughness and temperature reduced by 67.2% and 48.3% compared to the dry condition, whereas decreased by 13.4% and 8.8% compared to the wet method, respectively.

  • articleNo Access


    During the machining of aluminum alloys, the adhesion of chips to the tool affects the performance characteristics. Today, different cooling systems are used to eliminate these negativities. In this study, the effects of end milling using HSS and carbide cutting tools of 6061-T6 aluminum alloy on surface roughness, chip thickness ratio and tool wear were examined using different cooling techniques (dry, minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) and nanocutting fluid). Different cutting speeds (180, 200, 220 m/min) and different feed rates (0.05, 0.06, 0.07 mm/rev) were used in the experiments. According to experimental findings, tool wear and surface roughness decreased at low cutting speed and feed rate by using nanocutting fluid with carbide cutting tools. It has been observed that the chip thickness ratio increases with high cutting speeds using nanocutting fluid and decreases with dry machining and high feed rates. The best milling performance of the aluminum alloy was achieved in experiments using carbide cutting tools and nanocutting fluid.

  • articleNo Access


    We present a theoretical model for explaining the enhancement in the effective thermal conductivity of nanotubes (cylindrical shape particles) for use in nanotube-in-fluid suspensions. Our theoretical model shows that the effective thermal conductivity is decreased with cylindrical nanoparticle diameter, which agrees with experimental results. We also show that with the decrease of nanotube diameter, the thermal conductivity increases if the thickness of nanolayers increases. We provide a good estimation for the nanolayer's thickness which plays an important role in increasing the thermal conductivity.

  • articleNo Access


    Nanofluids are suspensions of metallic or nonmetallic nanopowders in base liquid and can be employed to increase heat transfer rate in various applications. In this work turbulent flow forced convection heat transfer of Al2O3-water nanofluid inside an annular tube with variable wall temperature was investigated experimentally. The Nusselt numbers of nanofluid were obtained for various heat flux, Reynolds numbers and nanoparticle concentrations at atmospheric pressure. The addition of nanoparticle in water enhances heat transfer coefficient and enhancement increases with increase in the nanoparticle concentration, heat flux and flow rate. Experimental results emphasize the enhancement of heat transfer due to the nanoparticle presence in the fluid.

  • articleNo Access


    Rayleigh–Bénard convection in a horizontal layer of nanofluid in the presence of uniform vertical magnetic field is investigated by using Galerkin weighted residuals method. The model used for the nanofluid describes the effects of Brownian motion and thermophoresis. Linear stability theory based upon normal mode analysis is employed to find expressions for Rayleigh number and critical Rayleigh number. The boundaries are considered to be free–free, rigid–rigid and rigid–free. The influence of magnetic field on the stability is investigated and it is found that magnetic field stabilizes the fluid layer. It is also observed that the system is more stable in the case of rigid–rigid boundaries and least stable in case of free–free boundaries. The expression for Rayleigh number for oscillatory convection has also been derived for free–free boundaries.

  • articleNo Access

    Effect of Cu Salt Molarity on the Nanostructure of CuO Prolate Spheroid

    Copper sulfate pentahydrate was used as a source of Cu ion with five different molarities (0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 2 and 0.25M). XRD, FE-SEM and TEM techniques all showed that CuO samples have polycrystalline monoclinic structure. CuO prolate spheroid is assembled from nanoparticles as building units. It was demonstrated that the purity, morphology, size range of prolate spheroid and density of nano building units are significantly influenced by Cu precursor’s molarity. The pure phase of CuO prolate spheroid was produced via molarity of 0.2M with crystallite size of 15.1565nm while the particle size of building units ranges from 16nm to 21nm. The stability of CuO nanosuspension or nanofluid was evaluated by zeta potential analysis. The obtained properties of specific structure with large surface area of CuO prolate spheroid make it a promising candidate for wide range of potential applications as in nanofluids for cooling purposes.

  • articleNo Access

    Heat Transfer Enhancement Analysis of Al2O3-Water Nanofluid Through Parallel and Counter Flow in Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers

    Heat exchanger plays an essential part in industrial sector in transferring the heat energy. Heat is exchanged between fluids in convection and conduction mode through the walls of the heat exchanger. If the heat transfer medium has low thermal conductivity, it will greatly limit the efficiency of the heat exchanger. Whenever the system acts subjected to an increase in the heat load, heat fluxes caused by more power and smaller size, cooling is one of the technical challenges faced by the industries. The objective of this research work is to evaluate the overall heat transfer coefficient through an experimental analysis on the convective heat transfer and flow characteristics of a nanofluid. In our experiment, the nanofluid consists of water and one percentage volume concentration of Al2O3-water nanofluid flowing through parallel and counter flow in shell and tube heat exchangers. About 50nm diameter of Al2O3 nanoparticles was used in this analysis and found that the overall heat transfer coefficient and convective heat transfer coefficient of nanofluid were slightly higher than those of the base liquid at same mass flow rate and inlet temperature. Here, there are three samples of dissimilar mass flow rates, which have been identified for conducting the experiments and their results are continuously monitored and reported. Finally, the observed results through an experimental investigation were presented and concluded that the enhancement of overall heat transfer coefficient is likely to be feasible by means of increasing the mass flow rate of base fluid and prepared nanofluid on the proportional basis.

  • articleNo Access

    Experimental Studies on the Effect of Enhanced Thermal Conductivity of SiC+Water Nanofluid in the Performance of Small Scale Solar Parabolic Dish Receiver

    In this experimental study, exergy efficiencies of water and SiC+water nanofluid, prepared from 50nm particle size and 1% of volume fraction were compared based on the effect of thermal conductivities by a dish reflector receiver system. The average temperature difference between the receiver walls and heat transfer fluids have been studied to understand the thermal performance of the system with respect to the important properties of thermal conductivities and specific heat capacities. The enhanced thermal conductivity of 0.800115W/mK with the Keff/Kb ratio of 1.1759 was determined by the Koo and Kleinstreuer correlation which is considering both the Maxwell correlation and Brownian motion. The attained higher average exergy efficiencies for water and SiC+water nanofluid are 21.08% and 37.06.%, respectively with the enhanced nanofluid exergy efficiency of 75.80% than that of water at the flow rate of 0.5lpm. The result also shows that the system with SiC+water nanofluid produced higher exergy efficiency, because the rates of energy and exergy carried by the nanofluid are 0.2378kW and 0.7593kW higher than that of water for all the flow rates except at 0.2lpm, due to the enhanced thermal conductivity of the nanofluid.

  • articleNo Access


    Nano01 Feb 2013

    An exact analysis is carried out to study the radiation effects on an unsteady natural convective flow of a nanofluid past an impulsively started infinite vertical plate. The nanofluids containing nanoparticles of aluminium oxide, copper, titanium oxide and silver with nanoparticle volume fraction range less than or equal to 0.04 are considered. The partial differential equations governing the flow are solved by Laplace transform technique. The influence of various parameters on velocity and temperature profiles, as well as Nusselt number and skin-friction coefficient, are examined and presented graphically. An increase in radiation parameter and time leads to fall in temperature of the fluid. The presence of nanoparticles and thermal radiation increases the rate of heat transfer and skin friction. The effect of heat transfer is found to be more pronounced in silver water nanofluid than in the other nanofluids. It is observed that the fluid velocity increases with an increase in Grashof number and time. Excellent validation of the present results is achieved with existing results in the literature.

  • articleNo Access

    Thermal Conductivity Evaluation of Radiative Entropy Optimized Cross-Flow in Eyring–Powell Nanofluid Past a Permeable Deformable Sheet: The Case of Solar-Powered Ship Application

    Nano27 Jul 2024

    The objective of this research is to explore the potential of utilizing renewable energy ships (RES) as a sustainable alternative and reducing the need for marine diesel oil (MDO) within the shipping industry. This work concentrates on increasing the thermal performance in RES via the utilization of nanofluids (NFs) that contain a mixture of the base water fluid and titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles. Furthermore, the implementation of the entropy generation minimization and Eyring–Powell fluid model in parabolic trough solar collectors is employed for RES. Moreover, the results indicate that the SFC and LNN supplements resulted in an increase of approximately 1.03% and 0.04% for the SBES, which can be attributed to the greater concentration of the titania nanoparticles. Meanwhile, for the case of USBES, the enhancement was observed up to 1.38% and 0.31%, respectively. Also, the solar radiation parameter played an important role in enhancing the LNN, resulting in an increase of approximately 5.93% and 4.35% for SBES and USBES respectively. This paper provides vital contributions to the sector of sustainable transportation by giving valuable information on the construction and improvement of thermal solar energy technologies.

  • articleNo Access

    Simulation of magnetic field effect on heat transfer enhancement of swirling nanofluid

    In this paper, the swirling nanofluid flow which is driven by a rotating bottom disk of a cylindrical container under magnetic field effect and temperature gradient is considered. Effects of electrical conductivity of cylindrical walls on heat transfer enhancement are numerically analyzed. The governing equations that describe the combined problem (magnetohydrodynamics and mixed convection) under the adoptive assumptions are solved numerically by the finite volume technique. Calculations were made for fixed Reynolds number (Re=1000), Richardson number (0Ri2), aspect ratio (H/R=2), Hartmann number (0Ha60), and solid nanoparticle (copper) with volume fraction (ϕ=0.1). Five cases are considered in this study: (EI-Walls), (EC-Walls), (EC-Bottom), (EC-Top), and (EC-Sidewall). A decrease in the mean Nusselt number was found with the increase of the Richardson number due to stratification layers. These latter limits the heat transfers between the hot and cold zones of the cylinder. The results indicate that the Nusselt number gets bigger within a certain range of Hartmann numbers, and especially when the rotating lid is electrically conducting. Indeed, average Nusselt number decreases while the Hartmann number increase after it exceeds a critical value. Finally, the electrical conductivity of the rotating lid plays an important role in heat transfer enhancement in nanofluid swirling flow.