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  • articleNo Access

    The Connes–Lott Program on the Sphere

    We describe a classical Schwinger-type model as a study of the projective modules over the algebra of complex-valued functions on the sphere. On these modules, classified by π2(S2), we construct hermitian connections with values in the universal differential envelope. Instead of describing matter by the usual Dirac spinors yielding the standard Schwinger model on the sphere, we apply the Connes–Lott program to the Hilbert space of complexified inhomogeneous forms with its Atiyah–Kähler structure. This Hilbert space splits in two minimal left ideals of the Clifford algebra preserved by the Dirac–Kähler operator D=i(d-δ). The induced representation of the universal differential envelope, in order to recover its differential structure, is divided by the unwanted differential ideal and the obtained quotient is the usual complexified de Rham exterior algebra with Clifford action on the "spinors" of the Hilbert space. The subsequent steps of the Connes–Lott program allow to define a matter action, and the field action is obtained using the Dixmier trace which reduces to the integral of the curvature squared.

  • articleNo Access


    The standard model fermion spectrum, including a right handed neutrino, can be obtained as a zero-mode of the Dirac operator on a space which is the product of complex projective spaces of complex dimension two and three. The construction requires the introduction of topologically non-trivial background gauge fields. By borrowing from ideas in Connes' non-commutative geometry and making the complex spaces 'fuzzy' a matrix approximation to the fuzzy space allows for three generations to emerge. The generations are associated with three copies of space-time. Higgs' fields and Yukawa couplings can be accommodated in the usual way.

  • articleNo Access


    We study finite temperature phase transition of neutral scalar field on a fuzzy sphere using Monte Carlo simulations. We work with the zero mode in the temporal directions, while the effects of the higher modes are taken care by the temperature dependence of r. In the numerical calculations we use "pseudo-heatbath" method which reduces the auto-correlation considerably. Our results agree with the conventional calculations. We report some new results which show the presence of meta-stable states, first order symmetry breaking transition and existence of multiple triple points in the phase diagram..

  • articleNo Access


    The inverse problem of calculus of variations and s-equivalence are re-examined by using results obtained from non-commutative geometry ideas. The role played by the structure of the modified Poisson brackets is discussed in a general context and it is argued that classical s-equivalent systems may be non-equivalent at the quantum mechanical level. This last fact is explicitly discussed comparing different approaches to deal with the Nair–Polychronakos oscillator.

  • articleNo Access

    Green’s functions for translation invariant star products

    We calculate the Green’s functions for a scalar field theory with quartic interactions for which the fields are multiplied with a generic translation invariant star product. Our analysis involves both non-commutative products, for which there is the canonical commutation relation among coordinates, and nonlocal commutative products. We give explicit expressions for the one-loop corrections to the two- and four-point functions. We find that the phenomenon of ultraviolet/infrared mixing is always a consequence of the presence of non-commuting variables. The commutative part of the product does not have the mixing.

  • articleNo Access

    Non-commutative quantum gravity phenomenology in underground experiments

    We show how non-commutative spacetime models can induce Pauli Exclusion Principle (PEP) forbidden nuclear and atomic transitions. We focalize our analysis on one of the most popular instantiations of non-commutativeness: 𝜃-Poincaré model, based on the Groenewold–Moyal plane algebra. We show that PEP violating transitions induced by 𝜃-Poincaré have an energy scale and angular emission dependence. PEP violating transitions in nuclear and atomic systems can be tested with very high accuracy in underground laboratory experiments such as DAMA/LIBRA and VIP(2). We derive that the Equivalence Principle assumed 𝜃-Poincaré model can be already ruled-out until the Planck scale, from nuclear transitions tests by DAMA/LIBRA experiment.

  • articleNo Access

    Spin-one (1 + 3)-dimensional DKP equation with modified Kratzer potential in the non-commutative space

    In this paper, the spin-one Duffin–Kemmer–Petiau equation in (1 + 3) dimensions with a modified Kratzer potential is considered in the non-commutative space framework. The energy eigenvalue equation and the corresponding eigenfunctions are derived analytically. Furthermore, the energy shift due to the space non-commutativity effect is also obtained using the perturbation theory. In particular, it is shown that the degeneracy of the initial spectral line is broken, where the space non-commutativity plays the role of a magnetic field. This behavior is very similar to the Zeeman effect.

  • articleNo Access

    Dark energy as a large scale quantum gravitational phenomenon

    In our recently proposed quantum theory of gravity, the universe is made of ‘atoms‘” of space-time-matter (STM). Planck scale foam is composed of STM atoms with Planck length as their associated Compton wave-length. The quantum dispersion and accompanying spontaneous localization of these STM atoms amounts to a cancellation of the enormous curvature on the Planck length scale. However, an effective dark energy term arises in Einstein equations, of the order required by current observations on cosmological scales. This happens if we propose an extremely light particle having a mass of about 1033eV/c2, forty-two orders of magnitude lighter than the proton. The holographic principle suggests there are about 10122 such particles in the observed universe. Their net effect on space-time geometry is equivalent to dark energy, this being a low energy quantum gravitational phenomenon. In this sense, the observed dark energy constitutes evidence for quantum gravity. We then invoke Dirac’s large number hypothesis to also propose a dark matter candidate having a mass halfway (on the logarithmic scale) between the proton and the dark energy particle, i.e. about 1012eV/c2.

  • articleNo Access


    Recently it has been shown that it is possible to retain the Lorentz-invariant interpretation of the non-commutative field theory.1,2,3 This was achieved by the means of the twisted action of the Poincaré group on the tensor product of the fields. We investigate the consequences of this approach for the quantized fields.

  • articleNo Access


    Connes's ideeas provide a framework in which the Higgs fields appear as components of a generalized gauge connection. This leads to theories with predictive power in the Higgs sector (for example, one can show that spontaneous symmetry breaking arises in a natural way). We describe a realization of this formalism where the underlying manifold is a two-sheeted space-time. We show how our particular formulation works for the case of the Standard Model and the Left-Right Symmetric Model.

  • articleNo Access


    We formulate the flipped SU(5)×U(1)-GUT within a Lie-algebraic approach to non-commutative geometry. It suffices to take the matrix Lie algebra su(5) as the input; the u(1)-part with its representation on the fermions is an algebraic consequence. The occurring Higgs multiplets (24, 5, 45, 50-representations of su(5)) are uniquely determined by the fermionic mass matrix and the spontaneous symmetry breaking pattern to SU(3)C×U(1)EM. We find the most general gauge invariant Higgs potential that is compatible with the given Higgs vacuum. Our formalism yields tree-level predictions for the masses of all gauge and Higgs bosons. It turns out that the low-energy sector is identical with the standard model. In particular, there exists precisely one light Higgs field, whose upper bound for the mass is 1.45 mt. All remaining 207 Higgs fields are extremely heavy.

  • articleNo Access

    Quantum theory without classical time: Octonions, and a theoretical derivation of the fine structure constant 1/137

    There must exist a reformulation of quantum field theory which does not refer to classical time. We propose a pre-quantum, pre-spacetime theory, which is a matrix-valued Lagrangian dynamics for gravity, Yang–Mills fields, and fermions. The definition of spin in this theory leads us to an eight-dimensional octonionic spacetime. The algebra of the octonions reveals the standard model; model parameters are determined by roots of the cubic characteristic equation of the exceptional Jordan algebra. We derive the asymptotic low-energy value 1/137 of the fine structure constant, and predict the existence of universally interacting spin one Lorentz bosons, which replace the hypothesised graviton. Gravity is not to be quantized, but is an emergent four-dimensional classical phenomenon, precipitated by the spontaneous localisation of highly entangled fermions.

  • articleNo Access


    A connection-like objects, termed hom-connections are defined in the realm of non-commutative geometry. The definition is based on the use of homomorphisms rather than tensor products. It is shown that hom-connections arise naturally from (strong) connections in non-commutative principal bundles. The induction procedure of hom-connections via a map of differential graded algebras or a differentiable bimodule is described. The curvature for a hom-connection is defined, and it is shown that flat hom-connections give rise to a chain complex.

  • articleNo Access


    In this review we show how K-theory classifies RR-charges in type II string theory and how the inclusion of the B-field modifies the general structure leading to the twisted K-groups. Our main purpose is to give an expository account of the physical relevance of K-theory. To do that, we consider different points of view: processes of tachyon condensation, cancellation of global anomalies and gauge fixings. As a field to test the proposals of K-theory, we concentrate on the study of the D6-brane, now seen as a non-abelian monopole.

  • articleNo Access


    The non-abelian generalization of the Born–Infeld non-linear lagrangian is extended to the non-commutative geometry of matrices on a manifold. In this case, not only do the usual SU(n) gauge fields appear, but also a natural generalization of the multiplet of scalar Higgs fields, with the double-well potential as a first approximation.

    The matrix realization of non-commutative geometry provides a natural framework in which the notion of a determinant can be easily generalized and used as the lowest-order term in a gravitational lagrangian of a new kind. As a result, we obtain a Born–Infeld-like lagrangian as a root of sufficiently high order of a combination of metric, gauge potentials and the scalar field interactions.

    We then analyze the behavior of cosmological models based on this lagrangian. It leads to primordial inflation with varying speed, with possibility of early deceleration ruled by the relative strength of the Higgs field.

  • articleNo Access


    In this paper, we introduce 2-ρ-derivations on a ρ-algebra A, and define 2-linear connections on a ρ-bimodule M over A using these 2-derivations. Then we introduce and study the curvature of a linear connection. Our results are applied to the particular case of the quaternionic algebra ℍ.

  • articleNo Access


    Recent work in the literature has studied a version of non-commutative Schwarzschild black holes where the effects of non-commutativity are described by a mass function depending on both the radial variable r and a non-commutativity parameter θ. The present paper studies the asymptotic behavior of solutions of the zero-rest-mass scalar wave equation in such a modified Schwarzschild space-time in a neighborhood of spatial infinity. The analysis is eventually reduced to finding solutions of an inhomogeneous Euler–Poisson–Darboux equation, where the parameter θ affects explicitly the functional form of the source term. Interestingly, for finite values of θ, there is full qualitative agreement with general relativity: the conformal singularity at spacelike infinity reduces in a considerable way the differentiability class of scalar fields at future null infinity. In the physical space-time, this means that the scalar field has an asymptotic behavior with a fall-off going on rather more slowly than in flat space-time.

  • articleNo Access


    Deformation quantization of Poisson manifolds is studied within the framework of an expansion in powers of derivatives of Poisson structures. We construct the Lie group associated with a Poisson bracket algebra which defines a second order deformation in the derivative expansion.

  • articleFree Access


    From points of view of physics, fractional operators represent a vital role for describing intermediate processes and critical phenomena in physics. Subsequently, fractional Action-like Variational Approach in the sense of Riemann–Liouville fractional integral has lately gained significance in exploring non-conservative dynamical systems found in classical and quantum field theories. Within the same framework, fractional Dirac operators are introduced and the fractional spectral action principle is constructed and some interesting consequences are discussed. In particular, we show that the fractional spectral triplet action is complexified and the disturbing huge cosmological term may be eliminated. The generalization of the problem in view of the generalized fractional integration operators, namely the Erdelyi–Kober fractional integral, is discussed as well.

  • articleNo Access


    This paper applies the first-order Seiberg–Witten map to evaluate the first-order non-commutative Kerr tetrad. The classical tetrad is taken to follow the locally non-rotating frame prescription. We also evaluate the tiny effect of non-commutativity on the efficiency of the Penrose process of rotational energy extraction from a black hole.