This is a comparative study of supercapacitor performance of CeO2/PANI composite electrode prepared by two different synthesis methods, namely, in situ polymerization and solution mixing. The chemical composition of materials was confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The electrochemical studies such as cyclic voltammetry (CV), charge–discharge, electrochemical impedance and cyclic test of the composite were studied in two symmetrical electrode systems in an aqueous electrolyte medium. The CeO2/PANI (CP10) composite prepared by in situ polymerization has resulted in better specific capacitance than solution mixing in an aqueous electrolyte (0.5M H2SO4) with the capacitance value of 240F/g at 0.5A/g. The in-situ polymerization method evenly spreads polyaniline (PANI) all over the cerium oxide (CeO2) material and reduces charge transfer resistance (RctRct) which is lacking in the solution mixing method. After 4000 cycles at 5A/g, the CP10 composite retained 72.8% of capacitance retention and energy density of 33.33Wh/Kg at power density of 249.87W/Kg.