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  • articleNo Access


    In this paper we study the tracking control of Lagrangian systems subject to frictionless unilateral constraints. The stability analysis incorporates the hybrid and nonsmooth dynamical feature of the overall system. The difference between tracking control for unconstrained systems and unilaterally constrained ones, is explained in terms of closed-loop desired trajectories and control signals. This work provides details on the conditions of existence of controllers which guarantee stability. It is shown that the design of a suitable transition phase desired trajectory, is a crucial step. Some simulation results provide information on the robustness aspects. Finally the extension towards the case of multiple impacts, is considered.

  • articleNo Access


    A method for finding reduced-order approximations of turbulent flow models is presented. The method preserves bounds on the production of turbulent energy in the sense of the formula norm of perturbations from a notional laminar profile. This is achieved by decomposing the Navier–Stokes system into a feedback arrangement between the linearized system and the remaining, normally neglected, nonlinear part. The linear system is reduced using a method similar to balanced truncation, but preserving bounds on the supply rate. The method involves balancing two algebraic Riccati equations. The bounds are then used to derive bounds on the turbulent energy production. An example of the application of the procedure to flow through a long straight pipe is presented. Comparison shows that the new method approximates the supply rate at least as well as, or better than, canonical balanced truncation.

  • articleNo Access


    Recently, the concept of feedback passivity-based control has drawn attention to chaos control. In all existing papers, the implementations of passivity-based control laws require the system states for feedback. In this paper, a passivity-based control law which only requires the knowledge of the system output is proposed. Simulation results are provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed solution.

  • articleNo Access


    The recent discovery of a physical device behaving as a memristor has driven a lot of attention to memristive systems, which are likely to play a relevant role in electronics in the near future, especially at the nanometer scale. The derivation of explicit ODE models for these systems is important because it opens a way for the study of the dynamics of general memristive circuits, including e.g. stability aspects, oscillations, bifurcations or chaotic phenomena. We tackle this problem as a reduction of implicit ODE (differential-algebraic) models, and show how tree-based approaches can be adapted in order to accommodate memristors. Specifically, we prove that the derivation of a tree-based explicit ODE model is feasible for strictly passive memristive systems under broad coupling effects and without a priori current/voltage control assumptions on tree/cotree elements. Our framework applies in particular to topologically degenerate circuits and accommodates a wide class of controlled sources. We also discuss a quasilinear reduction of nonpassive problems, which do not admit an explicit ODE description in the presence of singularities; some related bifurcations are addressed in this context.

  • articleNo Access

    Parasitic Effects on Memristor Dynamics

    In this paper, we show that parasitic elements have a significant effect on the dynamics of memristor circuits. We first show that certain 2-terminal elements such as memristors, memcapacitors, and meminductors can be used as nonvolatile memories, if the principle of conservation of state variables hold by open-circuiting, or short-circuiting, their terminals. We also show that a passive memristor with a strictly-increasing constitutive relation will eventually lose its stored flux when we switch off the power if there is a parasitic capacitance across the memristor. Similarly, a memcapacitor (resp., meminductor) with a positive memcapacitance (resp., meminductance) will eventually lose their stored physical states when we switch off the power, if it is connected to a parasitic resistance. We then show that the discontinuous jump that circuit engineers assumed to occur at impasse points of memristor circuits contradicts the principles of conservation of charge and flux at the time of the discontinuous jump. A parasitic element can be used to break an impasse point, resulting in the emergence of a continuous oscillation in the circuit. We also define a distance, a diameter, and a dimension, for each circuit element in order to measure the complexity order of the parasitic elements. They can be used to find higher-order parasitic elements which can break impasse points. Furthermore, we derived a memristor-based Chua’s circuit from a three-element circuit containing a memristor by connecting two parasitic memcapacitances to break the impasse points. We finally show that a higher-order parasitic element can be used for breaking the impasse points on two-dimensional and three-dimensional constrained spaces.

  • articleNo Access

    Some Remarks on Local Activity and Local Passivity

    We study local activity and its contrary, local passivity, for linear systems and show that generically an eigenvalue of the system matrix with positive real part implies local activity. If all state variables are port variables we prove that the system is locally active if and only if the system matrix is not dissipative. Local activity was suggested by Leon Chua as an indicator for the emergence of complexity of nonlinear systems. We propose an abstract scheme which indicates how local activity could be applied to nonlinear systems and list open questions about possible consequences for complexity.