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Rényi’s parking problem (or 1D sequential interval packing problem) dates back to 1958, when Rényi studied the following random process: Consider an interval I of length x, and sequentially and randomly pack disjoint unit intervals in I until the remaining space prevents placing any new segment. The expected value of the measure of the covered part of I is M(x), so that the ratio M(x)/x is the expected filling density of the random process. Following recent work by Gargano et al. [4], we studied the discretized version of the above process by considering the packing of the 1D discrete lattice interval {1,2,…,n+2k−1} with disjoint blocks of (k+1) integers but, as opposed to the mentioned [4] result, our exclusion process is symmetric, hence more natural. Furthermore, we were able to obtain useful recursion formulas for the expected number of r-gaps (0≤r≤k) between neighboring blocks. We also provided very fast converging series and extensive computer simulations for these expected numbers, so that the limiting filling density of the long line segment (as n→∞) is Rényi’s famous parking constant, 0.7475979203….
Let (X,d) be a locally compact separable ultrametric space. Given a measure m on X and a function C(B) defined on the set of all non-singleton balls B of X, we consider the hierarchical Laplacian L=LC. The operator L acts in ℒ2(X,m), is essentially self-adjoint and has a purely point spectrum. Choosing a sequence {𝜀(B)} of i.i.d. random variables, we consider the perturbed function C(B,ω) and the perturbed hierarchical Laplacian Lω=LC(ω). Under certain conditions, the density of states 𝔪 exists and it is a continuous function. We choose a point λ such that 𝔪(λ)>0 and build a sequence of point processes defined by the eigenvalues of Lω located in the vicinity of λ. We show that this sequence converges in distribution to the homogeneous Poisson point process with intensity 𝔪(λ).