Let D be an integral domain, X, Y, U, V be indeterminates over D, D[X, Y, U, V] be the polynomial ring over D, (XV – YU) be the ideal of D[X, Y, U, V] generated by XV – YU, and R = D[X, Y, U, V]/(XV – YU). In this paper, we study some properties of the t-operation on R which turn out to be similar to those of the polynomial ring over D. Among other things, we show that (i) R is a PvMD (resp., ring of Krull type, t-SFT PvMD) if and only if D is, and (ii) if D is a PvMD, then Cl(R) = Cl(D) ⨁ ℤ, where ℤ is the additive group of integers.