Among the unsolved problems of enumeration of graphs, one of the most difficult is the problem of enumeration of transitive digraphs, which is equivalent to the problem of enumeration of finite partial orders and is equivalent to the problem of enumeration of finite labeled T0-topologies. The sequence {T0(n)}, where T0(n) is the number of all labeled T0-topologies defined on an n-set, has been studied from different points of view. In the previous work of the second author, a formula was obtained in which the number T0(n) is represented as a linear combination of numbers W(¯p) (where the sequences ¯p=(p1,…,pk)⊧n are compositions of the number n). Recurrent relations between individual numbers W(⋅) were obtained. In this paper, new recursive formulas between separate numbers W(⋅) are obtained.