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  • articleNo Access

    A unified mode decomposition method for physical fields in homogeneous cosmology

    The methods of mode decomposition and Fourier analysis of classical and quantum fields on curved spacetimes previously available mainly for the scalar field on Friedman–Robertson–Walker (FRW) spacetimes are extended to arbitrary vector bundle fields on general spatially homogeneous spacetimes. This is done by developing a rigorous unified framework which incorporates mode decomposition, harmonic analysis and Fourier analysis. The limits of applicability and uniqueness of mode decomposition by separation of the time variable in the field equation are found. It is shown how mode decomposition can be naturally extended to weak solutions of the field equation under some analytical assumptions. It is further shown that these assumptions can always be fulfilled if the vector bundle under consideration is analytic. The propagator of the field equation is explicitly mode decomposed. A short survey on the geometry of the models considered in mathematical cosmology is given and it is concluded that practically all of them can be represented by a semidirect homogeneous vector bundle. Abstract harmonic analytical Fourier transform is introduced in semidirect homogeneous spaces and it is explained how it can be related to the spectral Fourier transform. The general form of invariant bi-distributions on semidirect homogeneous spaces is found in the Fourier space which generalizes earlier results for the homogeneous states of the scalar field on FRW spacetimes.

  • articleNo Access


    It is well known that the long-range nature of the Coulomb interaction makes the definition of asymptotic "in" and "out" states of charged particles problematic in quantum field theory. In particular, the notion of a simple particle pole in the vacuum charged particle propagator is untenable and should be replaced by a more complicated branch cut structure describing an electron interacting with a possibly infinite number of soft photons. Previous work suggests a Dirac propagator raised to a fractional power dependent upon the fine structure constant, however the exponent has not been calculated in a unique gauge-invariant manner. It has even been suggested that the fractal "anomalous dimension" can be removed by a gauge transformation. Here, a gauge-invariant non-perturbative calculation will be discussed yielding an unambiguous fractional exponent. The closely analogous case of soft graviton exponents is also briefly explored.

  • articleNo Access


    The problem of normalization related to energy-dependent potentials is examined in the context of the path integral approach, and a justification is given. As examples, the harmonic oscillator and the hydrogen atom (radial) where, respectively the frequency and the Coulomb's constant depend on energy, are considered and their propagators determined. From their spectral decomposition, we have found that the wave functions extracted are correctly normalized.

  • articleNo Access

    Geodesic distance: A descriptor of geometry and correlator of pregeometric density of spacetime events

    Classical geometry can be described either in terms of a metric tensor gab(x) or in terms of the geodesic distance σ2(x,x). Recent work, however, has shown that the geodesic distance is better suited to describe the quantum structure of spacetime. This is because one can incorporate some of the key quantum effects by replacing σ2 by another function S[σ2] such that S[0]=L20 is nonzero. This allows one to introduce a zero-point-length in the spacetime. I show that the geodesic distance can be an emergent construct, arising in the form of a correlator S[σ2(x,y)]=J(x)J(y), of a pregeometric variable J(x), which can be interpreted as the quantum density of spacetime events. This approach also shows why null surfaces play a special role in the interface of quantum theory and gravity. I describe several technical and conceptual aspects of this construction and discuss some of its implications.

  • articleNo Access

    Most general propagator in quantum field theory

    One of the most important mathematical tools necessary for Quantum Field Theory calculations is the field propagator. Applications are always done in terms of plane waves and although this has furnished many magnificent results, one may still be allowed to wonder what is the form of the most general propagator that can be written. In this paper, by exploiting what is called polar form, we find the most general propagator in the case of spinors, whether regular or singular, and we give a general discussion in the case of vectors.

  • articleNo Access


    Fractons are anyons classified into equivalence classes and they obey specific fractal statistics. The equivalence classes are labeled by a fractal parameter or Hausdorff dimension h. We consider this approach in the context of the fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE) and the concept of duality between such classes, defined by formula shows us that the filling factors for which the FQHE were observed just appear into these classes. A connection between equivalence classes h and the modular group for the quantum phase transitions of the FQHE is also obtained. A β-function is defined for a complex conductivity which embodies the classes h. The thermodynamics is also considered for a gas of fractons (h,ν) with a constant density of states and an exact equation of state is obtained at low-temperature and low-density limits. We also prove that the Farey sequences for rational numbers can be expressed in terms of the equivalence classes h.

  • articleNo Access


    AdS dynamics for massive scalar field is studied both by solving exactly the equation of motion and by constructing bulk-boundary propagator. A Robertson–Walker-like metric is deduced from the familiar SO(2, n) invariant metric. The metric allows us to present a timelike Killing vector, which is not only invariant under spacelike transformations but also invariant under the isometric transformations of SO(2, n) in certain sense. A horizon appears in this coordinate system. Singularities of field variables at boundary are demonstrated explicitly. It is shown that there is a one-to-one correspondence among the exact solutions and the bulk fields obtained by using the bulk-boundary propagator.

  • articleNo Access


    We show that a recent analysis in the strong coupling limit of the λϕ4 theory proves that this theory is indeed trivial giving in this limit the expansion of a free quantum field theory. We can get in this way the propagator with the renormalization constant and the renormalized mass. As expected the theory in this limit has the same spectrum as a harmonic oscillator. Some comments about triviality of the Yang–Mills theory in the infrared are also given.

  • articleNo Access


    We illustrate the conceptual scenario of the general boundary formulation for field theories and present a brief description of the calculus of graviton propagator in the context of LQG. Then we analyze the possibility of comparing this result with the graviton propagator in perturbative quantum gravity. For this purpose we demonstrate the compatibility of harmonic and radial gauge; it allows to simultaneously impose both gauges and to obtain an expression for the propagator comparable with the one provided by LQG.

  • articleNo Access


    We construct explicit integral relations between propagators of generalized Schrödinger equations that are linked by higher-order supersymmetry. Our results complement and extend the findings obtained in J. Phys. A40, 10557 (2007) for the conventional Schrödinger equation.

  • articleNo Access

    Propagators of charged particles in an external magnetic field, expanded over Landau levels

    Various forms of expressions for the propagators of charged particles in a constant magnetic field that should be used for investigations of electroweak processes in an external uniform magnetic fields are discussed. Formulas for the propagators of the Standard Model charged W- and scalar Φ-bosons in an arbitrary ξ-gauge, expanded over Landau levels, are derived for the first time.

  • articleNo Access

    Energy-dependent harmonic oscillator in noncommutative space: A path integral approach

    In the context of noncommutative quantum mechanics, the energy-dependent harmonic oscillator problem is solved via path integral approach. The propagator of the system is calculated using polar coordinates. The normalized wave functions and the energy eigenvalues are obtained in two different cases.

  • articleNo Access

    General spin sums in Quantum Field Theory

    In Quantum Field Theory (QFT), scattering amplitudes are computed from propagators which, for internal lines, are built upon spin/polarization-sum relationships. In turn, these are normally constructed upon plane-wave solutions of the free field equations. A question that may now arise is whether such spin/polarization-sums can be generalized. In the past, there has been a first attempt at generalizing spin sums for fermionic fields in terms of the Michel–Wightman identities. In this paper, we aim to find the most general spin sums for fermionic fields within the range of QFT.

  • articleNo Access

    The Feynman propagator within three parameters generalized Dunkl derivative: One-dimensional case

    In this paper, the Feynman path integral approach within three parameters Dunkl derivative is investigated in the one-dimensional case of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. We successfully derive the propagator in Cartesian coordinates and give its exact expression for the free particle, inverse square, harmonic oscillator and pure Coulomb potentials. The energy eigenvalues and their corresponding wave functions are determined.

  • articleNo Access

    Analytical solutions and expressions of the propagator for Bloch equations

    In this paper, we present analytical solutions to the Bloch equations. After solving the secular equation for the eigenvalues, derived from the Bloch equations, analytical solutions for the temporal evolution of the magnetization vector are obtained at arbitrary initial conditions. Subsequently, explicit analytical expressions of the propagator for the Bloch equations and optical Bloch equations are obtained. Compared to the results of existing analytical studies, the present results are more succinct and rigorous, and they can predict the behavior of the propagator in different regions of parameter spaces. The analytical solutions to the propagator can be directly used in composite laser-pulse spectroscopy.

  • articleNo Access

    Weights of Feynman diagrams, link polynomials and Vassiliev knot invariants

    We prove that the construction of Vassiliev invariants by expanding the link polynomials Pg,V(q, q−1) at the point q=1 is equivalent to the construction of Vassiliev invariants from Chern-Simons perturbation theory. In both constructions a simple Lie algebra g and an irreducible representation V of g should be specified.

    We give an example of a Vassiliev invariant of order six which cannot be obtained by these constructions if we restrict ourselves to simple Lie algebras and do not allow semisimple ones.

    The explicit description of primitive elements in the Kontsevich Hopf algebra is given.

  • articleNo Access

    Resolvent Method for Calculating Dispersion Spectra of the Shear Waves in the Phononic Plates and Waveguides

    We propose a new method for calculating dispersion spectra of shear waves in the two-dimensional free phononic plates made of solid matrix with periodically distributed inclusions and in the waveguides composed of a phononic layer between two periodic substrates. The method proceeds from the propagator M which involves exact integration in the depth coordinate. Because the components of M can be very large, the dispersion equation for a free plate is recast in terms of the resolvent of propagator R = (αI - M)-1 (α is a constant) which is numerically stable. The resolvent is the central object of the method. Another key tool, which comes into play in the case of a waveguide, is a projector P expressed as a contour integral of the resolvent of the substrate. The projector allows to extract the "physical" modes decreasing into the depth of the substrates without solving the wave equation. The resulting dispersion equation for a waveguide defined via the projectors for the substrates and the resolvent for the enclosed layer is numerically stable. We provide several options for the calculation of the resolvent and projector. Besides, special attention is given to derivation of the dispersion equations for the uncoupled symmetric and antisymmetric dispersion branches in the case of mirror-symmetric structures.

  • articleNo Access

    Feller evolution systems: Generators and approximation

    A time and space inhomogeneous Markov process is a Feller evolution process, if the corresponding evolution system on the continuous functions vanishing at infinity is strongly continuous. We discuss generators of such systems and show that under mild conditions on the generators a Feller evolution can be approximated by Markov chains with Lévy increments.

    The result is based on the approximation of the time homogeneous spacetime process corresponding to a Feller evolution process. In particular, we show that a d-dimensional Feller evolution corresponds to a (d + 1)-dimensional Feller process. It is remarkable that, in general, this Feller process has a generator with discontinuous symbol.

  • chapterNo Access


    The Feynman path integral for the quantum mechanical propagator is interpreted as the T-transform (infinite dimensional generalized Fourier transform in the Hida calculus) of a suitable functional in the space of Hida white noise distributions. Essential features of the approach are given and applications in the evaluation of various path integrals are noted.