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Since the initial measurements of the electron charge a century ago, experimenters have faced the persistent question as to whether elementary particles exist that have charges that are fractional multiples of the electron charge. In the standard model of particle physics the quarks are such particles, but it is assumed that quarks cannot be individually isolated, the quarks always being confined inside hadrons. This paper is a brief review of the present status of searches for isolatable fractional charge particles such as a lepton-like particle with fractional charge or an unconfined quark. There have been a very large number of searches but there is no confirmed evidence for existence of isolatable fractional charge particles. It may be that they do not exist, but it is also possible that they are very massive or that their production mechanisms are very small so that they have been missed by existing searches. Therefore the aim of this review is to urge (a) the invention of ways to substantially increase the range of known search methods and (b) to urge the invention of new search methods for isolatable fractional charge particles.
After a prologue which clarifies some issues left open in my last paper, the main features of the tetron model of elementary particles are discussed in the light of recent developments, in particular the formation of strong and electroweak vector bosons and a microscopic understanding of how the observed tetrahedral symmetry of the fermion spectrum may arise.
In this paper, we use momentum sum rule to compute the fractions of momentum carried by quarks and gluons in a self-similarity based model of proton. Comparison of the results with the prediction of QCD asymptotics is also made.
This paper supplements a recent work [B. Lampe, Int. J. Theor. Phys.51, 3073 (2012)] in which it was pointed out that the observed spectrum of quarks and leptons can arise as quasi-particle excitations in a discrete internal space. The latter paper concentrated on internal vibrational modes and it was only noted in the end that internal spin waves ("mignons") might do the same job. Here it will be shown how the mignon-mechanism works in detail. In particular the Shubnikov group A4 + S (S4 - A4) will be used to describe the spectrum and the mignetic ground state is explicitly given.
Momentum sum rule can be used as an inequality to estimate the lower and upper bounds of the momentum fractions of quarks and gluons in a model of proton valid in a limited x range. We compute such bounds in a self-similarity based model of proton structure function valid in the range 6.2 × 10-7 ≤ x ≤ 10-2. The results conform to the asymptotic QCD expectations.
Currently the quantitative description of confinement inside nuclear matter is exclusively limited to computer experiments, mainly on lattices, and concentrating upon calculating the static potential. There is no independent reference for comparison and support of the results, especially when it comes to the quark potential in the continuum limit. Yet, we are entitled to be optimistic, for the basic results of these calculations seem to be correct from an entirely different point of view, suggested by Manton's geometrization of Skyrme theory. The present work shows the reasons of this point of view, and offers a static potential that might serve as independent reference for comparison and endorsement of any lattice calculations, and in fact of any structural hypotheses of nuclear matter. A historical review of the pertinent key moments in the history of modeling of nuclear matter, as well as an outlook anticipating the necessary future work, close the argument.
Quantized Yang–Mills fields lie at the heart of our understanding of the strong nuclear force. To understand the theory at low energies, we must work in the strong coupling regime. The primary technique for this is the lattice. While basically an ultraviolet regulator, the lattice avoids the use of a perturbative expansion. I discuss the historical circumstances that drove us to this approach, which has had immense success, convincingly demonstrating quark confinement and obtaining crucial properties of the strong interactions from first principles.
Recently, we suggested two alternative analytical models of proton structure function FP2(x,t) and gluon distribution G(x,t) at small x [L. Machahari and D. K. Choudhury, Eur. Phys. J. A54, 69 (2018); Commun. Theor. Phys.71, 56 (2019)] derived from the coupled DGLAP equations for quarks and gluons approximated by Taylor expansion. In this work, we compute the partial momentum fractions carried by quarks and gluons in limited small x range: xa≤x≤xb and compare them with few other models available in the current literature. The analysis leads to understand qualitatively the effects of notions like Froissart saturation and self-similarity in the proton at small x. We also study if our results conform to the total momentum fractions as predicted in perturbative and lattice QCD.
Understanding the equation of state of dense nuclear matter is a fundamental challenge for nuclear physics. It is an especially timely and interesting challenge as we have reached a period where neutron stars, which contain the most dense nuclear matter in the Universe, are now being studied in completely new ways, from gravitational waves to satellite-based telescopes. We review the theoretical approaches to calculating this equation of state which involve a change in the structure of the baryons, along with their predictions for neutron star properties.
The additive quark model is one of the simplest and oldest models for the description of soft processes at high energies, and it still works. We present here a review of this model and verify the rules of quark combinatorics following from it in hadronic Z0 decays.
Hadronic spectroscopy can be introduced to students and developed rather far without requiring SU(N) flavor symmetry. In such a "minimalist" presentation, we are naturally led to comment and clarify the concept of the "generalized" Pauli principle.
The use of the binary tetrahedral group (T′) as flavor symmetry is discussed. I emphasize the CKM quark and PMNS neutrino mixings. I present a novel formula for the Cabibbo angle.
Life at Caltech with Murray Gell-Mann in the early 1960's is remembered. Our different paths to quarks, leading to different views of their reality, are described.
Early work on the compositeness of hadrons is reviewed, with emphasis on Quarks and Confinement.
The exciting findings and activities in particle physics in the 50's and 60's will be discussed from an experimentalist's viewpoint. Particular emphasis will be placed on the description of several crucial discoveries (including the omega minus) and on the remarkable insight, guidance, and major contributions of Murray Gell-Mann to the understanding of the symmetry of hadrons which led to the development of the standard model of the strong interactions.
I give a brief review of advances in the strong interaction theory. This talk was delivered at the Conference in honor of Murray Gell-Mann's 80th birthday, 24–26 February 2010, Singapore.
This public lecture was presented at the National University of Singapore on the 5th of March, 2013. It was organized by the Institute of Advanced Studies as part of the Distinguished Public Lecture series.
Soon after the postulation of quarks, it was suggested that they interact via gluons, but direct experimental evidence was lacking for over a decade. In 1976, Mary Gaillard, Graham Ross and the author suggested searching for the gluon via 3-jet events due to gluon bremsstrahlung in e+ e- collisions. Following our suggestion, the gluon was discovered at DESY in 1979 by TASSO and the other experiments at the PETRA collider.
The experimental discovery of the first Yang–Mills non-Abelian gauge particle — the gluon — in the spring of 1979 is summarized, together with some of the subsequent developments, including the role of the gluon in the recent discovery of the Higgs particle.